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Everything posted by zzforrest

  1. I've got forge working now, and my blocks all seem to be working, but I am having an issue with loading textures. (Sorry, no screenies available to demonstrate) If my mod is under : forge/src/main/java / com/mod/tutorial where are textures supposed to go now?
  2. Ok, good But why doesn't the audio work?
  3. When I'm modding, and run client as directed by the current setup tutorial ( Windows 7 + Eclipse ), the following log appears with several worrying issues. http://pastebin.com/2P3NSJZh Currently, it will run fine except with no audio for some reason. The worrying part is: 2013-12-30 13:59:26 [sEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] The binary patch set is missing. Either you are in a development environment, or things are not going to work! and the lines afterwards Is this normal, or am I doing something severely wrong?
  4. That would seem to be it - especially given that I've had recent complications with Steam that were related to my internet blocking it. Do you know if there is a way to fix the blocked access?
  5. Whenever I try to run the "gradlew.bat" from cmd, it gives me the following error: "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: java.net.SocketException : Permission denied : connect" What does it mean if this happens? Could it have to do with my internet setup?
  6. Wait wait - I just figured it out. The whole time, I was doing the recommended link, I should have been doing the latest link. I probably should have tried out that link. Thanks anyway~
  7. When I download the recommended version > src, it gives me a zip with "forge" as the only file. Double clicking this shows a more outdated looking set, with "install.bat" which doesn't work.
  8. The guide provided for downloading forge speaks of a "gradlew.bat", but when I download the latest Minecraft Forge from http://files.minecraftforge.net/, the src contains an "install.cmd". I can't seem to find a version that has a "gradlew.bat". Where am I supposed to download it from? *Edit : I'm not trying to install it to my mc client, I already did that. I need to install the src so I can make mods. **Edit : The solution was that I was being an idiot.
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