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  1. The client has to send the message to the server when it receives the shift click on an item in the inventory. Is there not a way to spoof this and send what ever info to the server that it would send if I had actually gone in and shift clicked a slot myself?
  2. That may have been a bit unclear. I meant so that I can run it on my client, and it will still work while connected to a server instead of just SSP. Since it has to work on a client while connected to a server, I cant just do something like delete the items in the player inventory and add them in the chest, as the server would not let the client do this.
  3. I am trying to find a way to move items from the player into an opened chest, kind of like a death chest mod but completely client side, so that it will work on servers. What I tried using is this (inside of a keybind): EntityPlayer player = FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().thePlayer; player.openContainer.transferStackInSlot(player, 1); This transfers the items in slot one of the chest into the player's inventory when I press the bound key and have a chest open, but once you try to pick up the transferred items, they revert to where they were before. I tried adding this, to see if it would help: player.openContainer.detectAndSendChanges(); player.inventoryContainer.detectAndSendChanges(); But those didn't help either. What should I do to get this code to work, or is there another method that will work? Thanks in advance!
  4. How can I pause my code without using thread.sleep(), which just stops the entire game. I am trying to make the player automatically output messages, and I want there to be a pause inbetween when some of the text is put out. How can I do this?
  5. I am trying to make a bot that will read chat on a server, and reply to that chat accordingly. This is all done from a player on the server, not serverside. What code do I need to use to output a message so that other people can see it as regular chat?
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