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Everything posted by ganymedes01

  1. I own Headcrumbs and haven't switched for the same reason. I recognise that I should have used the forge system from the start, but there was no warning about not using the vanilla one so I used it
  2. Block mySand = new MySand(); GameRegistry.addSubstitutionAlias("minecraft:sand", GameRegistry.Type.BLOCK, mySand); GameRegistry.addSubstitutionAlias("minecraft:sand", GameRegistry.Type.ITEM, new ItemMultiTexture(mySand, mySand, new String[] { "default", "red", "my" }).setUnlocalizedName("sand")); The above works for me
  3. Open gradlew on TextEdit and set the heap space to at least 2Gb Around line 11 you'll see this: DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS="" write this: DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS="-Xmx2048m" Save, close it and try running it again.
  4. but for example.. the icon variable I showed. I only use it twice... creating the variable, and then registering it (in that usual method), both with the SideOnly(Side.Client) annotation. If that's wrong, than how am I meant to register block icons for example?
  5. yeah... sorry, no idea what could be causing it then. as a guess... Did you update java or anything like that?
  6. Not sure what it could be, but, are you sure you are using the right versions of the mods? Some 1.6.4 versions don't work on 1.6.2 and vice versa.
  7. Send a couple of crash reports and I might be able to help. Just make sure you put them inside a spoiler thingy.
  8. I've been modding for a few months now and I've always build my mod by putting it into the src/minecraft folder and then running recompile.sh and then reobfuscate_srg.sh. And it worked flawlessly on both client and server side. But the last time I tried it I keep getting errors when I try to run it on a server (client still works perfectly) The errors vary but they are all NoSuchMethod/NoSuchField (not sure if exact name, but shouldn't matter) exceptions, thrown by fields such as this: @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) private Icon[] icon = new Icon[2]; And if I comment that one out, then some other client only field throws the same/similar exception (EntityPlayerSP from when one of my events loads up, even though I don't import/use it anywhere in the methods). I tried using the last 3 versions of forge (930 and beyond) getting the same results. Am I doing something wrong? Can someone point me out on the right direction. Thank you
  9. I'm having the same problem. It was working fine until I uninstalled Java 1.7 and went back to 1.6 So I'm thinking that's what causes the problem...
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