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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by atrain99

  1. Maybe make it Universal Electricity compatible? These are some cool gadgets.
  2. Me and my own stupidity. I didn't know it was there, thanks for telling me, albeit in a scathing manner.
  3. in the mod_XXX file, add a generateSurface(...) method. In it, just do OTHERGENCLASS.generateStuff(...); Figure it out, or learn more java.
  4. This function would be nice, but it would probably just be icing on the minecraft forge cake. This would replace the addFuel function in the mod_XXX class.
  5. Make it a list of ItemStacks. Like: public class AlloynizerRecipe{ private ItemStack[] inputs = new ItemStack[5]; private ItemStack output; public AlloyNizerRecipe(ItemStack[] in, ItemStack out){ //Assign variables here ... } //Getter methods here } Then you just modify the Manager class as needed. Then you can: (In your class that does work) if(AlloynizerRecipeManager.isRecipe(Args here)){ //Alloynize! ... }
  6. Get a windows computer, install it with 7zip , then bring the jarfile to your mac. Or just manually update each file inside of a folder that is replaced by forge.
  7. Remove mods and see what happens. Then you can isolate the crash to a few mods not playing nice.
  8. Is there a method to get the item held? I'm using getHeldItem() right now.
  9. You can look at my pulverizerManager and pulverizerRecipe classes. github.com/atrain99/greenenergymod/ It's in net/minecraft/src/GreenEnergy/Biomass.
  10. Yes, structures are a C thing. But here it is: mod_XX.java: class mod_XX extends NetworkMod{ //default stuff ..... public void generateSurface(){ otherclass.generateStuff(); } } Make the generateStuff() method public.
  11. I have a block, and I want to right click on it and check if the held item is a bucket of lava, and if it is, then add lava to the capacity of a tile entity. How would I do this?
  12. Put a system.out.println() after every line. PS, the exception occured around line 77.
  13. As above, I agree. Maybe try to do something with a watcher class that checks the world for onBlockRemoval events, and then spawn the entity for salt.
  14. Well, first make your mod, then have your item implement those interfaces. (I think, I haven't done this either.)
  15. Use the transferStackInSlot function. I don't know how to make it work, but I know that you do use it.
  16. Check their config files.
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