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  1. Hey, i'm still looking for people! EDIT: main post updated
  2. Hey guys, i'm updating my mod (Magic Crusade), and im looking for developpers to work with me im seeking passionnate people; who know how to works properly and safely. I really want the mod to be the most stable as possible, with the same content as it use to have. However, if the updating goes well, we could also add some extra content to it We will probably work on a git repository, so merging will be easier. It would be great if you know how to use it, however i can spend 30 minutes on skype, teamspeak or whatever, to teach you how to use it Actually: The main system is made; so loading blocks, items, spells, classes, achievements; or whatever, and make it compatible multiplayer is really simple (spell example: https://github.com/toss-dev/Magic_Crusade_1_8/blob/master/main/java/fr/toss/magiccrusade/common/classes/spell/champion/SpellShockwave.java) Thank you; send me your skype / teamspeak / mail in private message if you are interested (in comment or p.m), and with your experience in programming PS: Sorry, my english isnt really good, I hope that wasnt too fuzzy EDIT: the repo: https://github.com/toss-dev/Magic_Crusade_1_8.git
  3. Arf it is because the only way to get into the dimension is to use bed ^^ i'm going to reduce the teleport chance rate (and add it to the config file) The game will show you a message when it will be fixed PS: To leave the dimension, jump in the void :DDD under Y:0 you'll respawn to your bed
  4. Lol sorry I was just suggesting Or maybe add an event to the Explosion object main constructor? Edit: well it is true explosion are kinda messy and appears a bit everywhere in the code
  5. Hey, i know you must have much work with 1.8 updates, but i have a small suggestion to make Do you think adding a "Explosion" event would be possible? It would be useful because actually i can't handle the wither skull or firebal griefing In the World class: /** * returns a new explosion. Does initiation (at time of writing Explosion is not finished) */ public Explosion newExplosion(Entity entity, double x, double y, double z, float power, boolean isFlaming, boolean griefing_world) { Explosion explosion = new Explosion(this, entity, x, y, z, flame); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(new WorldEvent.Explosion(explosion )); // Thing like this explosion.isFlaming = flame; explosion.isSmoking = griefing_world; explosion.doExplosionA(); explosion.doExplosionB(true); return explosion; }
  6. Hey guys, mod update (same download link) + editing the main topic - Adding a new dungeon system (portal are generated in worlds, only 2 dungeons for now) Only players in the same group can play in a Dungeon - Adding 2 new musics, which are played in the new dimension - Adding sound for mobs which didn't have before - Adding message system, which show on game screen when an update is available - Fixing some crash issues - Adding commands: /level [uSERNAME] [LEVEL] et /uhc (ultra hardcore event manager) More dungeons will be added in the future (for Arkavon asap) Orc dungeon was made by Gelbar, and the Graveyard was taken from: http://www.minecraft-schematics.com/ As this is a quite huge update, please, report buuuugs! Thx Screens:
  7. Yes awesome! I've just searched in these classes and find this solution ^^ This code works great: this.mc.getSoundHandler().playSound(PositionedSoundRecord.func_147673_a(new ResourceLocation("magiccrusade:luan_hong"))); Thank you!!
  8. Hey, i would like to play a background music on my mod It works great with these following method: this.mc.thePlayer.playSound("magiccrusade:luan_hong", 1, 1); ... this.mc.theWorld.playSound(...) this.mc.theWorld.playSoundAtEntity(...) ... ... but the sound is play only at the given location, and not "in background" I don't find how to play "in background" (just like minecraft vanilla musics), does anyone has a solution? I've also searched on LWJGL library but i can't make it work Thank you (i hope my english wasn't too bad)
  9. Thank you for your great job Lex Manos
  10. Hey guys, now open source: https://github.com/iToss/Magic_Crusade_Mod If you have a look at my code and see anything wrong; just tell me so i can improve the code
  11. Again i'm sorry, but that's not what he asked So if you have any other better way to get if the player is on the main menu (GuiMainMenu), tell me and i'd be really happy cause i'm also doing this check
  12. @diesieben07 i'm sorry but i think you didn't understand what DannieXD asked, he would like to know if the current game screen is the main menu, SoundEvents have nothing to do with this And i think (i didn't verify every events yet), that there's no event which are called as long as the user didn't join a world EDIT: That's why i'm purposing this hardcodded solution (I hope my english wasn't too bad ^^" )
  13. Create a new thread when your mod is loading (init function for example) You can code a thing like this (sry i can't try it now): void run() //Make a thread that run as long as the player didn't join the GuiMainMenu or exit the game { while (Minecraft.getMinecraft() != null && !(Minecraft.getMinecraft().currentScreen instanceof GuiMainMenu)) { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (Minecraft.getMinecraft() != null) (new My_Shound()).play; } That's kinda hardcodded but i can't see any other way
  14. Hey everyone, i ported my vanilla mod to forge. Every features aren't port yet but there's already much content A friend is making a good looking banner to present the full mod. Currently, i will give you some screenshots The mod need Forge 1.7.10 and Player API 1.7.10 to work correctly Download link: Magic Crusade http://grillecube.fr/MagicCrusade/affiche_reduc.jpg[/img]
  15. public Item[] armor = new Item[4]; public void updateArmor() { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ItemStack is = this.player.inventory.armorInventory[i]; if (is != null) { Item item = is.getItem(); if (item != this.armor[i]) { if (item instanceof ItemArmorM) { //the player equipped my item } this.armor[i] = item; } } else if (is == null && this.armor[i] != null) { if (this.armor[i] instanceof ItemArmorM) { //The player unequipped my item } this.armor[i] = null; } } } I never said this code was hard to made... I'm just suggesting to create this event, which would necessarily improve game performance EDIT: i mean, if a player install 10 armor mods, it is non sense checking this 10 differents times
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