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Everything posted by ss7

  1. Hello, Yes, the mod is 1.6 and i googled and it was a feature of Minecraft 1.4.6, but the blocks were spinning also on previous versions. But that has nothing to do with that, cause i'm only rendering a EntityItem and not actually spawning it, so i can rotate it however i want. ss7
  2. Hello, I'm trying to render an EntityItem on top of a Block with a TESR. So far i have this: The item is perfectly rendered on top of the Block, but it's like spinning around, here is a demo video of what i mean: http://youtu.be/dicpWIgggrI?t=5s I'm trying to make a block similar to the preview video from azanor of the infusion altar from thaumcraft 4. I hope you can help me! Thanks in advance! ss7
  3. Hello, I think you should register the EventHandler in the FMLPreInitializationEvent. ss7
  4. Hello, BTW, the onCreate wasn't being called for me, when i shift-clicked the item out of the crafting table. ss7
  5. Hello, Same problem here, but i just named the leaves XRay-Leaves ss7
  6. Hello, I'm trying to make a block, that when you throw an item on it moves the item around the block on the ground and then creates a new item out of that. I've tried onEntityCollidedWithBlock and calling a function on my TileEntity and that works perfectly. But when i try to move the EntityItem with these motion vars, e.g. motionX += 1 the movement is just not smooth and it looks like the item is just teleporting. When i slow it down, it is smooth, but it's too slow for me. I'm looking for a function in EntityItem to adjust maybe the walkingSpeed, but there is no method or variable like this. I hope you can help, because it's a little tricky. ss7 ss7
  7. Hello, Yeah, i tried this before, but i don't know how big my entity is (mine is like a zombie), i tried 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1 but that doesn't worked. Also, you can't modify boudningBox, because it's final. I'm just returning that AABB.getBoudningBox(0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1) at getCollisionBox and at getBoundingBox. ss7
  8. Hello, The problem is, that i don't KNOW how i can set a bounding box for a entity. I followed the entity tutorial by VSWE, but he also doesn't set a bounding box. ss7
  9. Hello, My bounding box for my entity isn't working properly. The entity is staying 1 block in the ground. I've tried it with entity.setSize() but that doesn't worked. Also tried with this: @Override public AxisAlignedBB getBoundingBox() { return boundingBox; } @Override public AxisAlignedBB getCollisionBox(Entity par1Entity) { return par1Entity.boundingBox; } @Override public boolean canBeCollidedWith() { return isDead == false; } ss7
  10. Hello, OMG! I finally solved my problem!!! It was the spawner item that was not working . I made a check for world.isRemote == false and changed the pos" things to setPositionAndUpdate(). Now it's rendering! Now i can start working on EntityAI! Thank you anyways! ss7
  11. Hello, Nope, it not even stops at RenderManager.instance.renderEntity(entity, par3); I've looked into the code of Trapcraft, but there's no big difference to mine: https://github.com/ProPercivalalb/Trapcraft/ ss7
  12. Hello, My entity is just not visible. You said, that the first renderer renders at 0, 0, 0, but how can i change where the entity renders? And the third one has a argument that is called par1ModelBase and i'm giving it my model. What's with the second? ss7
  13. Hello, Also tried both, as in the code of TrapCraft, but doesn't work: EntityRegistry.registerGlobalEntityID(ElectricerEntity.class, "ElectricerEntity", EntityRegistry.findGlobalUniqueEntityId()); EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(ElectricerEntity.class, "ElectricerEntity", EntityRegistry.findGlobalUniqueEntityId(), this, 80, 3, true); Also tried 3 different rendering codes: None of them are working :'(. ss7
  14. Hello, Nope, tried it now, but doesn't work. I use EnityRegistry.registerModEntity() instead. ss7
  15. Hello, OK, tried it another time, and the entity is in the list! ss7
  16. Hello, Thank you for your answer! Unfortunly i can't start debugging :'(. Every time i try to start it, it jumps to Class.class at line 1994 to this: throw new NoSuchMethodException(getName() + "." + name + argumentTypesToString(parameterTypes)); and it doesn't start Minecraft :'(. EDIT: Now it works, but every time i start minecraft it stops for ALL entities and i don't even have enough time to spawn my entity. ss7
  17. Hello, Still not working :'(. I registered the entity like this (instance is the mod instance): EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(ElectricerEntity.class, "ElectricerEntity", 0, instance, 80, 3, true); I registered the renderer like this: RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(ElectricerEntity.class, new ElectricerRenderer()); ss7
  18. Hello, I've finally managed to make my entity work, but now it doesn't renders :'(. Here is my Entity Code: And here is my rendering code (just like VSWE did it): My model is just a standard techne model. Also my spawning code (in a item with onItemUse): It spawns, but i can't see it. Hope you can help! PS: diesieben07 are you now moderator? congratulations! Glückwunsch! ss7
  19. Hello, I've got a problem. I'm trying to make a mod that can freeze entities. I tried it with an event handler and the LivingUpdateEvent and setting the entity position to the lastTick position. But that doesn't work. I can't even set the position of a entity, i tried it with the x,y,z vars and with setPosition() but no luck. I've also tried world.isRemote and false. ss7
  20. Hello, Every time i spawn my entity the game crashes with a NullPointerException i think it has something to do with the entity health, but getMaxHealth does no longer exists: http://gw.minecraftforge.net/bewF ss7
  21. Hello, Still no luck. ss7
  22. Hello, Thank you, but it still crashes. My entity and my renderer are registered. ss7
  23. Hello, Thank you for the quick answer! It is still not working with the same crash! Here my entity file: public ElectricerEntity(World par1World) { super(par1World); setSize(1, 0.5F); getNavigator().setAvoidsWater(true); tasks.addTask(1, new EntityAIWatchClosest(this, EntityPlayer.class, 6)); tasks.addTask(2, new EntityAILookIdle(this)); } @Override protected void entityInit() { } @Override protected boolean isAIEnabled() { return true; } @Override protected void func_110147_ax() { super.func_110147_ax(); func_110148_a(SharedMonsterAttributes.field_111267_a).func_111128_a(10); func_110148_a(SharedMonsterAttributes.field_111263_d).func_111128_a(0.20000000298023224); } And my render file: public class ElectricerRenderer extends RenderLiving { public ElectricerRenderer(ModelBase par1ModelBase, float par2) { super(par1ModelBase, par2); } @Override protected ResourceLocation func_110775_a(Entity entity) { return null; } } I've not made a texture yet, so i return null. One question: I've got a model, but how can i use it for rendering? ss7
  24. ss7

    NBT not saving

    Hello, Is there a function that gets called when the data changes or should i just do if (olddata != data) ? ss7
  25. ss7

    NBT not saving

    Hello, So should i do a world.markBlockForUpdate() each render call? And what should i put in getDescriptionPacket() and onDataPacket()? Should i just do writeToNbt() and readFromNbt()? ss7
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