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Everything posted by darthvader45

  1. Most of it was normal, but for some reason it skipped the srgs and minecraft's client and server jars.
  2. I looked in forge/build/tmp/ and there was no recompSrc folder. I followed all the directions for installing the Forge src and it still won't show up.
  3. I'm working with Forge 1.7.2 w/ Gradle, and it seems it didn't download the minecraft jars, so I can't find the 1.7.2 item.java file. Also, I imported it and now it is undefined.
  4. No, this mod was meant to render all the vanilla wood with a new, rounder model. I have most of the errors fixed, but some still bug me. Like the ones on this line: net.minecraft.item.Item.field_77698_e[tempid] = new ItemMultiTexture(tempid - 256, block, BlockLog.getBlockById(tempid)).setUnlocalizedName("log"); . The errors are: 'field_77698_e cannot be resolved or is not a field', and 'ItemMultiTextureTile cannot be resolved to a type'
  5. Ok, my code is here(w/o line numbers): http://pastebin.com/4HNwrRD3 My problem is a couple errors on this line: net.minecraft.item.Item.field_77698_e[tempid] = new ItemMultiTextureTile(tempid - 256, block, BlockLog.getBlockById(tempid)).setUnlocalizedName("log"); Not sure how to change ItemMultiTextureTile and field_77698_e to their 1.7.2 equivalents.
  6. Ok, I'm trying to update SpringMine's BetterLog mod to 1.7.2. Here's my code: /* 1: */ package mods.springmine.BetterLog; /* 2: */ /* 3: */ import cpw.mods.fml.client.registry.RenderingRegistry; /* 4: */ import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod; /* 5: */ import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.EventHandler; /* 6: */ import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent; /* 7: */ import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent; /* 9: */ import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; /* 10: */ import mods.springmine.utils.BlockModelRender; /* 11: */ import net.minecraft.block.Block; /* 12: */ import net.minecraft.block.BlockLog; /* 14: */ /* 15: */ @Mod(modid="mods.springmine.BetterLog", name="BetterLog", version="1.6.2") /* 16: */ /* 17: */ public class BetterLog /* 18: */ { /* 19: */ public static int RenderType; /* 20: */ /* 21: */ @Mod.EventHandler /* 22: */ public void preinit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) /* 23: */ { /* 24:24 */ int tempid = Block.field_71951_J.field_71990_ca; /* 25:25 */ Block.field_71973_m[tempid] = null; /* 26:26 */ Block block = new BlockBetterLog(tempid); /* 27:27 */ net.minecraft.item.Item.field_77698_e[tempid] = new ItemMultiTextureTile(tempid - 256, block, BlockLog.field_72142_a).func_77655_b("log"); /* 28: */ } /* 29: */ /* 30: */ @Mod.EventHandler /* 31: */ public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event) /* 32: */ { /* 33:35 */ if (event.getSide() == Side.CLIENT) /* 34: */ { /* 35:37 */ RenderType = RenderingRegistry.getNextAvailableRenderId(); /* 36:38 */ RenderingRegistry.registerBlockHandler(RenderType, new BlockModelRender(new ModelBetterLog(), RenderType, true)); /* 37: */ } /* 38: */ } /* 39: */ } /* Location: C:\Users\*****\Downloads\BetterLog162.zip * Qualified Name: mods.springmine.BetterLog.BetterLog * JD-Core Version: */
  7. So, you're not going to fix that error? It was working great for me a few days back.
  8. Weird, I have the same problem, and I'm running Java 7u51. I will try .964 and see if that works.
  9. Lex, I am installing Forge source for 1.6.2 Minecraft. When it installs, it gives me this stacktrace error: ================ Forge ModLoader Setup Start =================== Checking MCP zip (may take time to download) Extracting MCP to 'C:\Users\A1046\Downloads\minecraftforge-src-1.6.2-\ forge\mcp' Setting up MCP Patching commands.py patching file commands.py Commands patch applied successfully Copying FML conf Creating Repackaged data Creating re-packaged srg Creating re-packaged exc Creating re-packaged MCP patches Fixing MCP Workspace Traceback (most recent call last): File "install.py", line 76, in <module> decompile=options.decompile, gen_conf=False) File "install.py", line 17, in fml_main disable_assets=disable_assets) File "C:\Users\A1046\Downloads\minecraftforge-src-1.6.2-\forge\fml\f ml.py", line 1013, in decompile_minecraft pre_decompile(mcp_dir, fml_dir, disable_assets=disable_assets) File "C:\Users\A1046\Downloads\minecraftforge-src-1.6.2-\forge\fml\f ml.py", line 1061, in pre_decompile download_minecraft(mcp_dir, fml_dir) File "C:\Users\A1046\Downloads\minecraftforge-src-1.6.2-\forge\fml\f ml.py", line 1125, in download_minecraft failed = download_libraries(mcp_dir, version_json['libraries'], mc_info['nat ives_dir']) or failed File "C:\Users\A1046\Downloads\minecraftforge-src-1.6.2-\forge\fml\f ml.py", line 1181, in download_libraries headers = get_headers(url) File "C:\Users\A1046\Downloads\minecraftforge-src-1.6.2-\forge\fml\f ml.py", line 173, in get_headers response = urllib2.urlopen(HeadRequest(url)) File "urllib2.pyc", line 126, in urlopen File "urllib2.pyc", line 406, in open File "urllib2.pyc", line 519, in http_response File "urllib2.pyc", line 444, in error File "urllib2.pyc", line 378, in _call_chain File "urllib2.pyc", line 527, in http_error_default urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden Press any key to continue . . .
  10. Weird, I'm doing that and I still have the errors. I even installed a fresh version of Minecraft 1.6.2 and still nothing. Missing these particular files(lzma-0.0.1.jar, launchwrapper-1.3.jar, asm-debug-all-4.1.jar) and even the libraries folder in .minecraft still doesn't have them. I'll delete the .minecraft folder and rerun the launcher and see if it downloads them for me.
  11. You're not alone, just today I've been having no sound. Tried a clean install of both Minecraft and Forge, no sound. W/o Forge, sound was just fine. I'm still wondering why it continues to not work.
  12. Can you help me solve this problem?
  13. Ike, you are a genius, bookmarking now!
  14. Seriously? Still offline? Whoever owns the server better check on it, because there's a big problem.
  15. I agree. Can someone troubleshoot the server please?
  16. Same problem here. I need the recommended version nao!
  17. So, what will the build number be, btw? Just so I can check the Jenkins build system when it comes out.
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