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Everything posted by maraver

  1. Thanks for the feedback! Don't forget to check the minecraft forum post in a few days as I update the information there (there is a lot more that is already done that I haven't gotten a chance to write in the post about yet).
  2. Minecraft Forum Post This is a quick overview of the mod. For updated information checkout the minecraft forum post! About The overall goal of this mod is to create a realistic first-person strategy game. Build a civilization from the ground up and become a mighty military power or a wealthy merchant city. Unlike some other smp mods that may come to mind when you hear this description, in CivWars there is no way to claim land to prevent people from building in it. Instead you must build strong siege walls and line them with soldiers. Beyond you civilizations boundaries you must hammer blocks to solidify them, so it is much harder to build up and over walls in CivWars than in vanilla minecraft. Once you start to advance further in the game you no longer need to focus on gathering common materials like wood and stone, you can get your citizens to do it for you. Gallery More: FAQ I can't play after downloading from the website! The download on the website is for beta-testers only right now. CivWars can only be played on CivWars server (disabled for singleplayer) so even if you do download it you won't be able to play. I will update this post when a public release is avaliable. Are you going to update to 1.7.X? Probably, but not for a while. The mod is for minecraft 1.6.4, but with my custom minecraft launcher profile its as easy as one click to switch between CivWars, vanilla minecraft, or any other launcher profile.
  3. The title is the gist of the error I am getting, when I try and launch minecraft with the forge profile. Here is the full output: Edit: Ok it worked manually installing, I'm confused as to why the launcher couldn't download it, and two of my friends are having the same issue.
  4. Is it possible to give an itemstack a random item damage when it is crafted or smelted? Right now I've got: public class CraftingHandler implements ICraftingHandler { @Override public void onCrafting(EntityPlayer player, ItemStack stack, IInventory craftMatrix) { if (stack.itemID == CivWars.ingotBronze.itemID) { stack.setItemDamage(CivWars.rand.nextInt(7)); } } @Override public void onSmelting(EntityPlayer player, ItemStack stack) { if (stack.itemID == CivWars.ingotBronze.itemID) { stack.setItemDamage(CivWars.rand.nextInt(7)); } } } It seems to work, except when you shift-click and that kinda ruins the whole point. Am I doing something wrong or is there another way to do this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  5. I don't see anything in the model for the villager or the chicken that isn't already in ModelBiped. Could you be more specific?
  6. How do you render a custom entity as a child? This is what I'm currently doing to register the entity RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityFamilyMember.class, new RenderFamilyMember(new ModelBiped(0.0F), 0.5F)); public class RenderFamilyMember extends RenderBiped { public RenderFamilyMember(ModelBiped par1ModelBiped, float par2) { super(par1ModelBiped, par2); this.setRenderPassModel(this.field_82423_g); } } And here is the isChild code from EntityFamilyMember @Override public boolean isChild() { return this.age < 0; } Looking at the code I thought it was as straightforward as that but it doesn't work. Can anyone help me out? Thanks in advance
  7. For archive purposes, it turns out I was accessing the world object improperly in my HockClass: Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld In an PlayerInteractEvent event it should be: playerInteractEvent.entityPlayer.worldObj It's probably very similar for other events.
  8. My mod works fine when running on the client, but if I try to start a server with it installed I get this error. At the line 99 it's talking about I'm doing MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new EventHookClass()); Any help would be greatly appreciated, everything is working correctly when debugging on the client and this is the only bug keeping the mod from being playable. UPDATE May have jumped the gun a bit with that, I'm 99% sure WorldClient is trying to be used but I can't find where
  9. I am trying to figure out how to stop the player from swinging their first after they hit a block, like when you hit an entity. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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