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  1. I would create a variable in the base class with my modid, like this: public static final String modid = "[Your Modid]"; Then I would move the texture localasition from: "mcp/src/minecraft/assest/mobdrops/textures/armor" to "mcp/src/minecraft/assest/[Your Modid]/textures/armor" now I would change this Method public String getArmorTexture(ItemStack stack, Entity entity, int slot, int layer) { if (stack.toString().contains("leggings")) { return "/assests/minecraft/textures/armor/wolf_2"; } if (stack.toString().contains("Leggings")) { return "/assests/minecraft/textures/armor/wolf_2"; } return "/assests/minecraft/textures/armor/wolf_1"; } to something like this Method: public String getArmorTexture(ItemStack stack, Entity entity, int slot, int layer) { if(stack.itemID == [Your Base Class].[Your Helmet].itemID || stack.itemID == [Your Base Class].[Your Chestplate].itemID || stack.itemID == [Your Base Class].[Your Helmet].[Your Boots].itemID) { return armorTexture+ "wolf_1.png"; } if(stack.itemID == [Your Base Class].[Your Leggins].itemID) { return armorTexture+ "wolf_2.png"; } } and the variable "armorTexture" I would define so: private final String armorTexture = [Your Base Class].modid + "textures/armor/"; I hope you can understand this.
  2. I need a way to register Particles for my mod and I see no other way. I hope it can be done by the Minecraft Forge Team.
  3. Change this Line: public void onBlockPlacedBy(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, EntityLiving par5EntityLiving, ItemStack par6ItemStack) into this Line: public void onBlockPlacedBy(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, EntityLivingBase par5EntityLiving, ItemStack par6ItemStack)
  4. Thank you all, but I have found the code in the BlockFurnace Class which Draco had said to me. Thanks Draco.
  5. Sorry, I don't meaned sub blocks but thanks. I meaned a multitextured block. I'll change the Discripion
  6. I would make a Block which faces with a specific Texture to the Player. All siedes have one texture and here is the code of the class: And the code of the CreateMultiTexturedBlock class: I want that "side_1" faces to the player. I hope that anyone can help me.
  7. The IArmorTextureProvider is Deprecated and I don#t know what can I do that this function again. I have tried this Code with the Comment in this Interface: Code deleted This Code isn't function, what can I do?
  8. Tanks. It works fine. It's a pity that the Forge Markers don't expand this range.
  9. I want to create a Biome for my Mod, but I can't add to .topBlock or .fillerBlock my own Blocks. Has anyone a soulution for me?
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