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Everything posted by OvermindDL1

  1. That is no where near the newest. 200 is comparatively ancient and does include a bug that you are experiencing above. Use the latest, 217+.
  2. Update your Forge. And always be sure to post the Forge version that you are using.
  3. What was the culprit and what error was it having out of curiosity? We like to have records here.
  4. Some mod is crashing and putting its error elsewhere other than the log, find its error and you will find your culprit. The error above is just FML saying that a mod crashed.
  5. 200 is a bit broken, get the latest.
  6. Any mod that does not base edits should work fine with Forge. Any mod that does do base edits, the author should be shot, there is no reason for that anymore as it makes it incompatible with anything that does the same. MCPatcher does base edits. Optifine does too, but it is specifically designed to work with Forge, unlike MCPatcher. Although there is no reason for Optifine to have base edits any more either, he should fix that.
  7. Very cool. Anyone care to document it on the wiki?
  8. You are an idiot. You apparently did not read the stickied post. Yes, piraters are idiots.
  9. Aren't particles and such client-side only entities?
  10. Hmm, I am unsure as to the best place to link that in if not the root .minecraft or bin directories, may need to wait for cpw/lex to say.
  11. There is a lib folder in the .minecraft directory now when forge is installed, did you try there? Better question though, what does it do?
  12. The eclipse folder is not empty, it just has some hidden folders in it (which would be visible to you if you set your file manage to show hidden files and folders), just need to open it as the eclipse directory being the workspace directory.
  13. Hmm, asm could do it, but I have not learned it yet either (not even looked at its code even).
  14. You register your new item with it as well as the weight of the chance.
  15. I know a couple of people use it as they requested it and signed up using it (and I saw the authentication set to it in their account), but I have not used it myself. And by 'it' I mean OpenID.
  16. How so? Good to document it for the future.
  17. Put your texture sheet in your mod jar file, call setTextureFile on your item instance.
  18. Write one like normal, have your block return that new model ID that you get from the registry.
  19. You might want to start higher though. I personally start at 4095 and work my way down, safer. To be perfectly safe, you should check that both the block and item ID is null, since setting a block will also override the item id of the same id.
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