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Everything posted by OvermindDL1

  1. 204 is still far far too old, should update to latest.
  2. Or could just get them from the forge place: http://files.minecraftforge.net/fmllibs/
  3. No problem, but yeah, Optifine is still being fully updated last I saw, hopefully not long now, he seems to update fast (might already be updated by now).
  4. Does not sound like you are adding forge to the jar perhaps?
  5. Still good to parse the file *BEFORE* loading classes. Maybe not such an issue in 1.3 anymore, but that was the original reason I could guess.
  6. Did you do setTextureFile on your blocks/items with your texture file location?
  7. Whatever you want, it is for your mod. As long as it is not in net.minecraft.src as no mod file ever should be and never should have been in the past.
  8. Are not using github anymore for those. You should update, it now downloads from: http://files.minecraftforge.net/fmllibs/
  9. Do *NOT* hijack other topics. Very rude. Make your own. Just split you off and moved you to the proper board (which you were not in any way, what the heck?!).
  10. That will still not always work because you are in the net.minecraft.src package. DO NOT BE IN THE 'net.minecraft.src' PACKAGE!
  11. You do not need it as Forge/FML has Modloaders functionality built in. But still, dev for 1.3.2, not 1.2.5.
  12. Remember, Forge (and Optifine once it updates) should be the *only* mods in the jar. If you put anything else in to the MC jar, then you broke it.
  13. The mcmod.info being a separate file is for easy parsing *before* the class files start loading.
  14. Yeah, this is one of those that will be made more simple and more appropriate as an Event.
  15. Forge version? Optifine version? Have you tried without Optifine (which still seems to need an update)?
  16. If you are using ModLoader.addOverride at all then you are indeed doing it *VERY* wrong. Never use ModLoader.addOverride. Just use setTextureFile on the block/item calls.
  17. You cannot expect a response in 7 minutes... Either way, look at your own error: The requested image path /gui/Dark Messiahs Mods/NetherRium/NetherRiumSword.png is not found
  18. Update to at least Forge 217 or higher, 200 is old and has bugs. Please reply if it is still happening in Forge 217+.
  19. It is translating poorly. Items have some storage (a short I think?), a flag can be set that lets you treat it as damage or as storage data, it cannot be both as it would overlap in the MC design.
  20. Still unsure? If you are talking about Item damage values, that is already one and the same of uses, they are the same thing.
  21. We tend to be blunt, as long as you are fine with that, but we are efficient.
  22. Same place as always: http://jenkins.minecraftforge.net:7070/job/forge/
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