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Everything posted by OvermindDL1

  1. 1.2.5 is no longer supported. However, that error means that the mod crashed, you need to check the terminal for the stacktrace of the mod that crashed.
  2. First of all, you are an idiot; forge does not download any MC files at all. Second, MCPatcher is broken, use MultiMC. Third, what the hell are you talking about; Forge downloads no MC files at all. It is an API for MC, not a launcher!
  3. Personally I would do it as a potion effect or so. But you can do that with the asm library in forge.
  4. Make sure that you have no files in net.minecraft.anything.
  5. Get the config files *then* use them. How else?
  6. Looked at the vanilla furnace or ironchest mods? Those work fine.
  7. You will likely break some forge hooks doing that though. Instead the mod should be updated to use Forge's ASM functionality instead of using Player API.
  8. We need the logs, as stated in the big red letters on the main page.
  9. They will *NOT* work together. If there is a mod that works on ML but does not work on FML, then as per the big giant red words on the front page, post links to the mods and your forgemodloader log, as the big red text says.
  10. Likely PlayerAPI is breaking things. Smart Moving could be made as a Forge basemod without PlayerAPI though. But until then PlayerAPI will continue to break things.
  11. There is no version of Forge, please do not give incorrect information. But regardless, make sure that you have the latest, at least
  12. Will need a server mod and send the health data using packets.
  13. Obviously yes, how else would you get it?
  14. 204 is far too ancient and has none of the ModLoader fixes. Update to latest.
  15. Something overwrote a forge class, make sure that Forge is the *ONLY* thing in the MC jar.
  16. A coremod is a mod that uses ASM in forge. A normal mod is a mod that does not use the ASM library in forge. Either way, no base edits.
  17. Unsure if been any sound updates recently, but forge 200 is *ancient* and has many bugs, you should update to 131+, or better yet, always dev with latest.
  18. Always use the latest right now. Recommended is not really a recommended and will not be until ML compatibility is fleshed out and bugs fixed. So for now, always use latest.
  19. Are any of your mods base editing mods? Looks like either your Forge version is too old or something overwrote a base class.
  20. Try 231, it is the latest now, and you can access the 'latest' through the 'latest' link on the forge download post.
  21. What forge version are you on? Get the latest.
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