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Everything posted by OvermindDL1

  1. "mod_MinecraftForge" is outdated. Update and try again in a fresh jar file.
  2. ModLoaderMP is incompatible with Forge (mostly compatible in singleplayer, but completely incompatible with multiplayer), and ModLoaderMP is not longer needed anyway, do not install it.
  3. Yeah, one of your mods are out of date or forge was not installed properly. Find which one and see if they have an updated version if it is a mod, else try a fresh reinstall, one mod at a time.
  4. Okay I've got to disagree slightly on this one... I think MCPatcher has source available, and I also think the incompatibility has to do with custom colors, so I might go dig around and see. Also last time I tried using it while disabling custom colors I had some problem...it either still crashed or the actual HD textures just straight up didn't work. EDIT: I bet part of it is the custom animations, since you can apply a custom animation to ANY texture in the terrain.png, so whatever he did there might be conflicting, especially since it's a more recent addition. Same thing for custom colors. Optifines works fine though.
  5. It is not Forges responsibility to work with something like MCPatcher, mostly because MCPatcher generally works fine if you set everything up in the correct order, thus it is usually the users fault.
  6. Take this with a grain of salt as I have not done this myself, this is just from perusing over the code: If you use the DimensionManager API in Forge, you should be able to use your 'own' World and WorldProvider, no hacks needed. The functions registerDimension and setWorld? Unsure what calls setWorld in the code, did not see what calls it on a quick look. EDIT: May need to wait for Lex, but from what I am reading, you should be able to registerDimension, then new a new WorldMyType that is derived from WorldServer (WorldServer calls DimensionManager.setWorld from inside its constructor) and everything 'should' work, at least on multiplayer? No clue about singleplayer, ask Lex? I have not yet used the DimensionManager, but I know others have.
  7. That is a Single Player Commands issue. Forge is an API to allow anything to work, if they chose not to, their own loss.
  8. TESR's are used by a *lot* of vanilla blocks.
  9. Make sure everything is updated to the absolute newest versions and then install on a fresh MC install. After that then ask the mods that are not working on their own boards.
  10. That is what I want to know. I am kind of leaning toward the SP becoming a hidden MP code change... But honestly no clue...
  11. Meh, I found a work around that involves no base edits, but it does involve using up a lot of block IDs. A built in method would work though. What? I swear vanilla TNT has this behaviour, so if you extend it properly, your TNT should explode too In the fire block the code says that it will check if the block has the tnt's block id. If so, it will cause it to explode. But, TNTs don't use the same block id as the vanilla TNT hence it won't pass the condition statement. Unless there is any other way... But you can see when there is a fire neighbor block to your own tnt and react to 'that' change, do not even need the direction as the neighbor update function passes you the block ID anyway.
  12. You can never have too many 'compatible' mods, incompatible mods should burn. Really sounds like an incompatibility with something though. Try this as this is what I use and it works: Minecraft fully updated. Latest ModLoader Latest Forge Latest NEI and Core Latest RP2 all parts Latest RailCraft. Does that work? If so, then start adding mods one at a time and see what dies. Well at this rate I'll just delete my Minecraft and start afresh. That way I'll have the newest of all the mods. Anyway, thanks to everyone that tried to help me! So if I could have an Admin *OvermindDL1* to lock this thread please. Always should start with a fresh minecraft anyway, I always do.
  13. To do that with texture based on side it is difficult, not designed for that. At this point you are more looking toward a TESR, Tile Entity Special Renderer.
  14. No, MC is already adding that and mDiyo already has a patch for it for SP. I thought MC 1.3 is going to add its own API? What would forge be when that happens? They are adding their own API in parts, the server part will be first, forge will still be useful for a long long time to come, especially since the API keeps getting pushed off.
  15. Based on these tweets, it seems so: https://twitter.com/#!/Dinnerbone/status/197618477924757504 https://twitter.com/#!/Dinnerbone/status/197619492593991680 https://twitter.com/#!/Dinnerbone/status/197616879328694272 https://twitter.com/#!/Dinnerbone/status/197674795788271616 Thoughts? The initial API is going to be server only anyway, but what does this mean, and they trying to go full bore on making SP be a hidden MP quickly? If so then I quite look forward to it, even if the API is very lacking at start. Notice what he said though, even 1.3 still seems to be a long way away. And the new snapshot tomorrow sounds to be, interesting... https://twitter.com/#!/Dinnerbone/status/197839633973911553
  16. The wiki is editable by anyone, feel free to make such a page.
  17. No, MC is already adding that and mDiyo already has a patch for it for SP.
  18. Bad install, reinstall all from scratch.
  19. I love you. <3 Thank you so much I misunderstood what you meant, but it works perfectly now, thank you so so so much!! I made the exact same problem there too. There should be a tutorial out there that warns you about these ID issues so in the future others won't make the same mistake. Perhaps AtomicStryker should add it to his?
  20. Is this a hard requirement? If so I should remember that, it seems like it would not allow for much variety though. What causes the limit?
  21. If you want to allow for texture animation, you need to limit it to 2 possible states if you are both using metadata to store this and your machine can point in any of the six directions. Else you can use a TileEntity, which is what RP2 does.
  22. In other words, the vx.class file got corrupt (or a file that access the referenced function), make sure that Forge's is being used if it has one. This is pretty exclusively caused by a bad install.
  23. You can never have too many 'compatible' mods, incompatible mods should burn. Really sounds like an incompatibility with something though. Try this as this is what I use and it works: Minecraft fully updated. Latest ModLoader Latest Forge Latest NEI and Core Latest RP2 all parts Latest RailCraft. Does that work? If so, then start adding mods one at a time and see what dies.
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