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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. couldnt make it work.... besides can you show me how id make it so that it checks for a block in xPos 1-20 for example?
  2. ehhhhh.... not really, i cant seem to figure out a way to check if a block is in front of the block in a 0 - 20 block line
  3. so, my mod blows items npc's mobs and players into a certain direction however, if you put a block inbetween it will still move you my question is what method do i need to use in my TileEntity to make it so that i stop moving aka, how do i check for a block in the distance?
  4. So i wanted to make a multi orientational block so i took a look at the log block from vanilla public int onBlockPlaced(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, int par5, float par6, float par7, float par8, int par9) { int j1 = par9 & 3; byte b0 = 0; switch (par5) { case 0: case 1: b0 = 0; break; case 2: case 3: b0 = 8; break; case 4: case 5: b0 = 4; } return j1 | b0; } public Icon getBlockTextureFromSideAndMetadata(int par1, int par2) { int k = par2 & 12; int l = par2 & 3; return k == 0 && (par1 == 1 || par1 == 0) ? this.top: (k == 4 && (par1 == 5 || par1 == 4) ? this.top : (k == 8 && (par1 == 2 || par1 == 3) ? this.top: this.bottom)); } note that top and bottom are icon registers so the problem im having here is that the top shows up at the front AND back the thing i want it to do is just the front to be top so.... any ideas ? thx
  5. OMFG DUDE IT FINALLY WORKS THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! however your values were very very off when u went in a 20 block radius of the block it would already push you however another friend helped me fix the coord values so now it finally works !!!!!
  6. oh im sorry lol .... this is my first time modding... so i didnt know but ima try adding this as quick as i can and then hopefully it will work
  7. yes but what would trigger the event of moving the entity.....
  8. it didnt work out and i couldnt seem to fix it this still leaves me without a fix
  9. so do you have any other suggestions of detecting an entity and then give velocity to that entity while being 10 blocks close this is what the objective is : the entity is walking over the block it gets pushed up untill its 10 blocks higher then the block itself idc what other way i need to do it i just want it to work
  10. im sorry im kind of a beginner X D the only thing i couldnt make work was the worldObj any suggestions on how to declare it? never mind, i just figured out how to fix it however it still doesnt make a collision box... or maybe im just doing something wrong, let me play around with it a lil more
  11. im sorry im kind of a beginner X D the only thing i couldnt make work was the worldObj any suggestions on how to declare it?
  12. so, my idea of doing it was to make a variable bounding/collision box and then an onentitycollision event however, to do this you'd need to be able to be walking through the bounding/collision box the point of this is to blow an entity up and leave it floating there untill it moves away from the blocks underneath If anyone knows how to do this, or maybe has a better solution please tell me!
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