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  1. Hello! I am developing a high performance server, and I have question about the usage of ramdisks. I use a ramdisk, however, I like to keep it as small as possible. What should be kept in a ramdisk? For Sure the World Folder and Logfile, but what else? I care only about operational performance, not about boot-time or anything. Is there a benefit to Ram-disking the plugins, mods, servers, and libraries? doesn't java load all this at load time anyways? What about configs? are they loaded once, or as needed? Is there a way I can experiment with this? Is their some kind disk-io profiler for java? Can I run any kind of benchmark with and without ramdisk? thanks! ~Tim
  2. Hello! I am the author of the BTSP minecraft launcher, a custom lightweight launcher that was quite good with modding. I am in the process of updating it to the 1.6 launcher architecture. somebody at Mojang finally got something right, and the launcher-game API system is really good. there are args and option for just about everything, as well as CPW's new loader thingy (LOOOVE IT!) anyhooo.... I think that a Launcher that directly supported forge and mods would be really awesome, and if it got good enough and Lex was having a good day, in the long run it could be made official. so i'm wondering if there's anyone out there who would be interested in helping me with this. right now its me and my friend, but the going is really slow. we have Github setup and are using EGit in eclipse. for the Gui were using WindowBuilder Pro. https://github.com/Timvrakas/NewBTSP also im planning on changing the name, it has so little to do with the original that a new name would be a good idea.
  3. OK. I guess I could do that. But if you if you find yourself considering it in the future accept my vote in support.
  4. I'm working on a launcher that uses the new multi threaded download system. I need to be able to have the system examine the forge.Json and add the library downloadables to the download job but to do that I have to have a bunch of seperate download jobs. It makes the process take almost 30 seconds and requires the user to select a forge version, download it, extract the Jason, parse the Jason, send user to adfly, install the forge, and FINALY play. I'm sure I'm not the only one who could benefit from the availability of the Json separately. If you can't put it on the download server, is it available on github? Or hidden deep in the maven server? Thanks!
  5. Hello again I saw you included the version.Json in the universal build. Is there any chance you could include it separately in the download server. Otherwise I have to download the entire version just to examine the Json. Probably be less load on the server to not have to download so many large files.
  6. Thank You so much for the JSON thing! its hard to find files when you cant view directory contents the --modsDir param was specifically aimed at multiple modding profiles. If I end up needing it I could always add it myself through the Github repo.
  7. Hello! the first feature I would love to see is the addition of a --modsDir parameter, to give custom launchers with multiple modding profiles (*cough*magiclauncher) the ability to specify which to use. the param would be optional and would default to the usual mods folder. also the same thing with configs. My second request is for there to be a software-parseable XML,JSON,etc. file tied into the build server that automatically lists recomended forge builds for each version, ie all the recomended builds ever promoted as well as their ascosated minecraft version. also a link to the universal download would be nice. (but not needed). this might exist already but i have not seen it. thanks in advance sorry in advance ****EDIT**** After looking at the new installer and such, I am revising my request and also asking that the Installerprofile.json that is included in the installer and added into the version folder, also be available for download. Also Im confused by the maven system. the installerprofile thing points to files.minecraftforge.net/maven/ but i cant find any files. (or they dont exit) is the maven repo somewhere else? how does that tie into the files.minecraftforge.net?
  8. As part of my new Utilities Mod I need to run some code and show a window when forge connects to a sever. I can set up a "OnEntitiyJoinServerEvent" thingy just fine but how do you recommend i present the Window? Can this be done with forge? I would really like to avoid a coremod, I have little experience with them. Any Ideas?
  9. As part of my new Utilities Mod I need to run some code and show a window when forge connects to a sever. I can set up a "OnEntitiyJoinServerEvent" thingy just fine but how do you recommend i present the Window? Can this be done with forge? I would really like to avoid a coremod, I have little experience with them. Any Ideas?
  10. I completely agree and I back my world up automatically every day, but often people do not. Or for example they are not "modding" per say, but just using a per-modded launcher or they had their friend do it for them. Then they accidentally screw it up and lose their world. Before you say anything, I do not approve of "premodding" and they should all learn to do it themselves, but I have seen a lot of people disappointed when their mod stuff is gone. I would write a mod to do this but it would be pointless because if they delete all their mods then I would be gone too.
  11. Nonono! You misunderstand me (beacuse I am confusing). If I install RedPower, play around with it, make an invention. If I uninstall it and reopen my world, all the RedPower blocks are gone (duh). They are often replaced by wooden stairs. But if I reinstall RedPower the blocks are still gone. This is beacuse minecraft detects the RedPower block IDs as corruption. By integer level I meant block IDs that were int forms not byte forms (mod IDs) (over 256) (ignore this bit)
  12. Hi all. As you may know, if minecraft detects integer level data values for bricks when opening saves, it removes them. THIS SUCKS!! I have repetadly overwritten worlds before I took heed of the "backup before using" warnings. I am working on a launcher and I need your help fixing this issue. It would probably cut my time doing Skype repairs in half. Forge should change it so that on world load it asks you if more than one or two blocks have irregular values and warns you about it/tells you to back it up. It would mean a lot to me. Thx!
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