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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by MoeBoy76

  1. Sounds like you did not download Forge from https://files.minecraftforge.net/ and have some wonky version. that said, you should update to 1.12 as 1.6.4 is not supported here
  2. What launcher specifically? Mojang's? What version is the launcher? This is what diesieben is asking for
  3. You have to use the installer to install Forge, the universal jar is only for running the game and is useless when downloaded on its own
  4. Try using gist to post the fml log as it appears to be cut off for some reason
  5. Adding to the above, Forge is for Java Minecraft and not any of the console or Pocket editions such as Minecraft for Windows 10
  6. cpw (the guy who created FML aka Forge Mod Loader) made a great post about this on reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/5jhuk9/modded_mc_and_memory_usage_a_history_with_a/
  7. Not explicitly, Vanilla 1.8 changed some memory allocation around and requires more RAM but improves performance a reasonable amount
  8. Minecraft forums will likely offer half-baked assistance for one seven dead, you should really update to 1.11.2/1.12 as they are much nicer to use
  9. The fml-server-latest.log is always in the correct order and never misses anything as it is Forge's output, post it via pastebin or gist
  10. You will unlikely be able to run Pixelmon as it requires about 2Gb to run and you are using 32-bit Java which cannot get more than 1500Mb (ie 1.5Gb), so you will need to install 64-bit Java before trying to assign more RAM
  11. Setting up a Forge version manually takes a lot of steps and is more likely to cause problems than any possible security loophole that is unlikely to happen by simply running Forge's installer
  12. i would first try using -nogui to disable the server GUI
  13. Okay so back to my earlier issue, on mobile topics have icons but threads do not so there is no way to distinguish which posts are unread, this is not much of an issue due to the "next unread thread 'omg is borkdd!!!?!!1!!'" button
  14. Forge is written for the PC (ie Java) version of Minecraft and does not work on a Pocket Edition installation
  15. My issue with unread forums/threads not displaying as different on my phone is now resolved, not sure if you did anything or if it had to do with me hitting the new "mark forums as read" on my PC last night but thanks for the hard work nonetheless
  16. Only issue for me so far is the fact that on mobile (iPhone 7, latest iOS, Firefox) there is no difference between unread and read, i thought it was a bug when i checked on my PC cos i had actually read all threads but then found an undread one tl;dr unread = read on mobile theme
  17. This seems like a lot more work than simply forking a project and setting up a dev environment yourself, while you may have a list of mods that can be seen on one screen without the use of a quick browser/google/github search, it will never be complete, to plus you just download the master, what if i wanted to say make a PR fix for BoP 1.8.9? Your tool is going to get me the default branch which is currently sitting on 1.11.2
  18. In my experience, yes, in fact, if you install liteloader and have it extend Forge then it does precisely that, which i personally change to a shorter name for usability FYI this has been possible since the current launcher iteration, ie pre1.8
  19. Mojang changed a heap of internal stuff for 1.8 that changes the basic requirements for Minecraft, instead of running Vanilla with 500MB of RAM you need at least 800MB of RAM Another example is the Pixelmon mod used to be fine with just 1GB of RAM allocated to Minecraft but as of 1.8 it barely loads without at least 1.5GB of RAM and optimally play the game at 2GB of RAM, this is not due to anything Pixelmon changed but Minecraft's minimum RAM requirements and graphical changes for better efficiency TL;DR Minecraft 1.8+ takes longer to load cos you haven't updated your RAM allocation
  20. at the time, IRC was the mainstream, some would say it still is (there are a lot of MC community IRC channels, likely more than Discord)
  21. you don't need to add more RAM, you need to allocate more RAM to Minecraft, change your JVM Argument -Xmx1024M to -Xmx2G
  22. The -Xmx512M is likely a global Java variable either set directly to Java or by some "optimisation" program And unless you know what you are doing you shouldn't change the -Xmn allocation
  23. alternately just run gradlew setupDecompWorkspace eclipse as gradle will pick up both tasks and run them one after the other
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