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Everything posted by Draco18s

  1. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=minecraft+armor+model+tutorial
  2. I do. https://github.com/Draco18s/Artifacts/blob/master/draco18s/artifacts/item/ItemArtifact.java (See how I check for null, and if null, I return a default non-null icon) I feel like I've got an array-based something somewhere, but I can't recall which mod that was offhand, much less which block or item.
  3. This. I'm not even using 1.7 yet as the deobfuscation process is not even yet to the point when I started modding. And there were still common-use func_* calls. 1.7 not only has that problem, but a "everything is different now and the experienced modders are having trouble in places."
  4. I can't without current code and current description of the problem. "It changed" is not a description. It's useless information that requires me to activate my psychic powers and the government hates it when I go rogue.
  5. I honestly do not know what the problem is.
  6. There suppose to be more of painting files. Like Model or something, cuz i havent seen any String on taking texture. EntityPainting uses an ENUM to describe paintings. The texture path is handled by the renderer, but the ENUM describes the painting name ("skull") as well as its UV position in the texture and width and height (UVWH are all full-block values, eg. 0,0 with width/height 1,1 would be a 1x1 painting located in the upper left of the texture, which at the default resolution would be 16x16 pixels).
  7. You can use Loader.isModLoaded("IC2") in place of that reflection call. I wasn't aware of the Forge method when I did that.
  8. Also: Tip: There are multiple ways to get rid of an item so it's no longer your active one. Tip #2: One of them involves Item Frames. An item that goes into a frame ceases to exist with no function calls or events. So unless your plan is to let the player have infinite* free infinity bows, this is an idea that is doomed to failure. Tip #3: The helmet no longer being worn / ceasing to exist will also need to be covered. *Pun not intended, but enjoyed. And only "inifinite-until-helmet-breaks" of course.
  9. And if you put sanity checks in your getIcon function, you wouldn't have had the problem anyway.
  10. What version of Minecraft? If 1.6.4 (and below) don't worry about it, just use a config file like everyone else.
  11. Listen for the openGUI event, then supply a different GUI if the one the game wants to open is the regular inventory.
  12. Bingo. What you should do in your getIcon method is check for out of bounds and return a default icon (icons[0] is a good choice, so is null) just in case something like this happens.
  13. This will be of interest. https://github.com/Draco18s/Artifacts/blob/master/draco18s/artifacts/block/BlockPedestal.java https://github.com/Draco18s/Artifacts/blob/master/draco18s/artifacts/entity/TileEntityDisplayPedestal.java
  14. Metadata ranges from 0 to 15. Your icon array ranges from 0 to 13. Take a WILD guess.
  15. Yes. Because all blocks are items. Ergo there needs to be more slots for items than for blocks.
  16. Please use a different image hosting service like http://tinypic.com/ or http://postimage.org/ Your native Thailandian one won't give me more than the top 20 pixels. In any case: you have not specified a texture file.
  17. You will also need to find a way to remove the enchantment when they're no longer holding it.
  18. If you use any form of non-API checks to see if a mod is loaded before you call the API then it's not. https://github.com/Draco18s/Artifacts/blob/master/draco18s/artifacts/worldgen/PlaceTraps.java Check line 251.
  19. I don't think you're going to be able to do this.
  20. OH GOD WHY. Use this: par1World.playSoundEffect(x, y, z, "example:wand", volume, pitch); Try: event.manager.addSound("example:wand.ogg");
  21. All language files are automatically loaded for you.
  22. Wow, that actually worked, thank you so much. Now does anyone know how to fix the names of the blocks and Items? Language files. Just create a file in /assets/lang/ called en_US.lang and put: nameYouSeeInMinecraft=NameYouWant
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