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Everything posted by Draco18s

  1. ItemSword is already set up in such a manner. So is ItemArmor. You're still going to need to write out a recipe registration for each one, though.
  2. Pretty sure it was simplified to getTag. I recall seeing that somewhere. Also, check http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,15275.0.html
  3. Nope. None what so ever. Can't be done. Oh wait, existing thread right on the first page.
  4. Tricky, but doable.* Also annoying (player perspective) when you pick the item up and it vanishes. *Use world.getWorldInfo().getWorldTotalTime() there are at least two other "time" methods, neither of which is the one you'd want. WorldTotalTime is tracked by how long the server (or single player instance) is active.
  5. There is no solution for this. Chests do not give update ticks to their contents. (Neither do ItemFrames).
  6. You still don't need 90,000 verts. Minecraft is inherently cubic. You should be able to make a reasonable TARDIS with 128 to 256 verts.
  7. I Just What? Dude, might want to simplify that. 90,000 verts is the kind of vert numbers you find on a fully rigged biped model for a modern shooter. The hell are you doing?
  8. Its worth doing a tessellator renderer for a 3D block once, just for the challenge. I did (made a rail block that is self-supporting, so I was rendering trusses underneath). I'd avoid doing it again if at all possible, but knowing how the tessellator works will help you if you ever run into code that uses it.
  9. This is why diesieben07 said to go learn Java. You'd have known that implicit casting doesn't exist for the primitive datatypes.
  10. Buildcraft might use a 3D cube and a transparent texture, I wouldn't know. The ModelBase class is just a more user-friendly way of doing stuff. The guts of it still use the tessellator, but it does the math for you.
  11. Because ints aren't doubles? "The method openGui(Object, int, World, int, int, int) in the type EntityPlayer is not applicable for the arguments (LrtMainClass, int, World, double, double, double)"
  12. Actually there is a model. It might not be something that extends ModelBase, but there are still polygons there. It's called "using the tessellator" and it's a huge pain in the ass.
  13. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,15275.0.html
  14. Did you set it to anything? Mind, you are probably not storing your block instances in your block class, but in your main class. Whip out that brain of yours and figure out what should be there* based on your own project. * BlockCrystal.instance.blockID This bit. Replace this bit. You're storing your block references somewhere, yeah?
  15. Look at the package declaration, you've put the files in a place they don't want to be. The package declaration tells you were they should go.
  16. I don't think TheGreyGhost was correct with his code. This is why I supplied my perfectly good working code. https://github.com/Draco18s/Artifacts/blob/master/draco18s/artifacts/client/ItemRenderPedestal.java And the client proxy: TileEntitySpecialRenderer render = new PedestalRenderer(); ClientRegistry.bindTileEntitySpecialRenderer(TileEntityDisplayPedestal.class, render); MinecraftForgeClient.registerItemRenderer(BlockPedestal.instance.blockID, new ItemRenderPedestal(render, new TileEntityDisplayPedestal()));
  17. Shouldn't it be [MyModName] -src (buildpath) --packages and codes -resources --assets ?
  18. You might have to. I haven't messed with it myself.
  19. It's just falling sand without the "falling" effect. Apply other motion vectors to it.
  20. If you're using a TileEntitySpecialRenderer to render a TileEntity, then your block should extend BlockContainer.
  21. You enabled GL_BLEND but you didn't set up a blend function. Add GL11.glBlendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); just after the GL_BLEND
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