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Everything posted by Draco18s

  1. Making every block change in one dimension affect the other is going to be neigh impossible.
  2. Also, aren't all of the 1.8 blocks available in 1.7 using Gany's Surface?
  3. Not sure why the crash, but I am noticing that addDefaultEquipmentAndRecipies does nothing.
  4. This ^ How to: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Setting+the+JAVA_HOME+Variable+in+Windows
  5. Like this? http://pastebin.com/YuA53cHC And in main: private CrystalManager crystalManager = new CrystalManager(); Then GameRegistry.registerWorldGenerator(crystalManager, 0); . And when I tried this It didnt work in Default world which is what im wanting it to do No, this bit: (new WorldGenMinable(CrystalMod.Aqua_SmallCrystal, maxVeinSize)).generate(world, random, posX, posY, posZ); There's a reason I said "WorldGenMinable" not "IWorldGenerator." WorldGenMinable only replaces stone and has no rules regarding stone/air boundaries. Also what diesieben07 said.
  6. Because they have DIFFERENT BASE ROTATIONS. It had Jack Fucking Squat to do with the rotation POINT, but everything to do with the rotation VALUE. The head and nose use the same values, the leaves DON'T. Also what coolAlias said.
  7. That's not the full log. But that does tell me that MagFurnaceActive.magFurnaceActive is, in fact, null.
  8. Do this for me: if (state) { System.out.println(MagFurnaceActive); System.out.println(MagFurnaceActive.magFurnaceActive); System.out.println(MagFurnaceActive.magFurnaceActive.getTickRandomly()); worldObj.setBlock(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, MagFurnaceActive.magFurnaceActive); // < --- LINE 116 } else { worldObj.setBlock(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, MagFurnaceIdle.magFurnaceIdle); } Let me know what it prints out.
  9. You would need a custom WorldGenMinable, or you do it instead of the WorldGenMinable you have inside addOreSpawn
  10. Well, the crash is in updateFurnaceState of MagFurnace.java line 116 You have not included that function here.
  11. Without knowing which line is the problem, it's a lot harder to help you.
  12. setRotation(head, 0F, 0F, 0F); //angle X = 0 setRotation(Leaf1, -2.792527F, 0F, 0.9250245F); //angle X = -2.79, not the same ... this.Leaf1.rotateAngleX = this.head.rotateAngleX; //make them the same
  13. Is ModelBakery a defined variable? (Not declared, defined)
  14. AH HA, thus we arrive at your actual problem. I don't think you can do that without a TE involved, because blocks are rendered once, cached, and not updated unless something actually changes (and the player is irrelevant).
  15. Then you're going to need to know if there's a wall at XPos, ZPos, XNeg, or ZNeg. world#getBlock
  16. if(world.getBlock(x, y, z) == Blocks.stone && world.getBlock(x, y+1, z) == Blocks.air) ?
  17. Couple problems: What happens if the player isn't holding anything ( event.entityPlayer.getHeldItem() will be null and you're trying to access it) Secondly, that's not how you compare items. You get the Item from the ItemStack and then compare it to an ItemStack. That will never be true.
  18. IBlockAccess still has getBlock and getBlockMetadata. Point is: If you want to change the rotation to a specific direction, you're going to need to figure out what defines that specific direction yourself. No one else can say "oh just do X" because you're the one who wants something specific based on parameters only you know. If its based on which direction the player was facing when they placed it down you're either going to have to save it in the metadata or use a TileEntity. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. The game isn't magic and can't interpret what you say into what you mean unless you are clear and unambiguous.
  19. Eclipse doesn't support Java 8, you'll have to change the JRE back to 7. Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs
  20. That's what TNT does. (TNT that explodes as the result of being destroyed by an explosion also gains the owner of the original explosion, conveniently enough)
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