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  1. Never tried creating Trees/Biomes etc so can't help you there but what I will say is find a tutorial for 1.4.7 or closest to, follow it then when you hit errors you can post specific questions based upon the errors found. 1.5 couldn't of broken it too much so I'm sure the underlining system are still pretty much the same.
  2. Bit of a bump, forgot about this thread to be honest but I found my mistake. I was using a 32bit version of Eclipse on my 64bit OS, updating to the latest Eclipse (64) fixed it, zero issues installing and setting up after this. Thanks.
  3. world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, VALUE, TYPE); I've just answered a question on this, it's on the front page in this forum dude so look into it for what the "TYPE" is and the value is the new meta data value, if it's the same as the old one it won't do anything (notify systems).
  4. I've created a block using the metadata/damage value method of creating one (ItemBlock, TileEntity for data etc) and I'm wondering how I would go about updating my block on the fly like when placed or periodically so it's shape/texture renders correctly at the correct angle and all that. If you don't understand what I mean, I mean like say you have a custom pressure plate or button and this plate when pressed updates it's height (y-) well if you were using metadata you could simply update it's metadata with a notify and the bounds would change (y-) then when the updateTick kicked in it would render it's bounds back to normal (y) when you ran another metadata notify. All this is well and good but I'm using a tile to store "pressed" for example so this is not metadata therefore I can't have the block update itself using the metadata notify method. So my question is: How would I go about forcing my block to update it's shape/textures and re-render itself without using metadata (metadata is taken) ? Edit: I'm on the recommended version of forge ( Re-edit: I got around this by creating a fake (invisible) block around the block which requires the update (it destroys itself on a 20 tickrate), obviously if there aren't any free spaces it will still be "broken" but until then it's a workaround.
  5. Well that depends what you mean when you say "finish it" dude. Displaying the texture by it's value (damage/meta) is done using "getBlockTextureFromSideAndMetadata" and returning an Icon from the array you created such as return Icons[meta][side];
  6. It's to do with what (system) gets updated/notified: 0 = no update 1 = neighbors only 2 = texture only 3 = both neighbors & texture
  7. Hey, I just thought I'd post this as to notify the devs of some issues I had while trying to get my modding environment going, I'll be "to the point". I obtained/installed forge (latest, also tested recomended) and when I loaded eclipse I got 9 errors telling me that the libs and jars couldn't be found (missing in project). I fixed it by going to "project name >> build path >> configure" then removing and re-adding all the libs/jars (add external jars option) like "jinput.jar" etc, I also had to link the source the same way from the "source" tab (mcp >> src >> minecraft). Everything else went fine though, I don't know if it was me being an idiot and not following the steps correctly or it was a configuration issue (workspace >> eclipse). Just followed a tutorial and made a basic block which worked fine (in game tested) so it's not a forge issue, I mean that forge is functioning correctly in game, just reporting it incase it is indeed down to the forge install/config and not my lack of brain power Thanks for your efforts.
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