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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. How do I change it so my multimc launch is on 1.12.2 then?
  2. I keep getting my forums locked because I'm on 1.12 supposedly, even though I'm on the latest version of minecraft. How do I get to the latest version of whatever he's talking about?
  3. I don't know why, but a person said that 1.12 isn't supported at support and bug reports, so uh. I'm posting the question / issue here. Whenever I open doors while using this mod (on the latest release of minecraft,) it doesn't make the "closed," appearance and vise versa. However, it acts as if it's closed because I can't walk through the space. Did I get the right version of Natures Beauty? I used this link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/natures-beauty/download/2756203
  4. Whenever I try to open doors using this modpack, the door doesn't make the "closed," appearance, but still keeps stuff in or stuff out. How do I fix this? What mod is causing the issue? Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks.
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