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Everything posted by ThanosGecko

  1. Alright I ended up commenting out random lines of code and one of them worked lmao. For anybody else that might need this in the future, I just commented out this line in the ChunkGenerator: private double[] func_222572_j() { double[] adouble = new double[this.noiseSizeY()]; for(int i = 0; i < this.noiseSizeY(); ++i) { adouble[i] = Math.cos((double)i * Math.PI * 6.0D / (double)this.noiseSizeY()) * 2.0D; double d0 = (double)i; if (i > this.noiseSizeY() / 2) { d0 = (double)(this.noiseSizeY() - 1 - i); } if (d0 < 4.0D) { d0 = 4.0D - d0; //adouble[i] -= d0 * d0 * d0 * 10.0D; } } return adouble; }
  2. It seems like it might be something in either this method: public int func_222529_a(int p_222529_1_, int p_222529_2_, Heightmap.Type heightmapType) { int i = Math.floorDiv(p_222529_1_, this.horizontalNoiseGranularity); int j = Math.floorDiv(p_222529_2_, this.horizontalNoiseGranularity); int k = Math.floorMod(p_222529_1_, this.horizontalNoiseGranularity); int l = Math.floorMod(p_222529_2_, this.horizontalNoiseGranularity); double d0 = (double)k / (double)this.horizontalNoiseGranularity; double d1 = (double)l / (double)this.horizontalNoiseGranularity; double[][] adouble = new double[][]{this.func_222547_b(i, j), this.func_222547_b(i, j + 1), this.func_222547_b(i + 1, j), this.func_222547_b(i + 1, j + 1)}; int i1 = this.getSeaLevel(); for(int j1 = this.noiseSizeY - 1; j1 >= 0; --j1) { double d2 = adouble[0][j1]; double d3 = adouble[1][j1]; double d4 = adouble[2][j1]; double d5 = adouble[3][j1]; double d6 = adouble[0][j1 + 1]; double d7 = adouble[1][j1 + 1]; double d8 = adouble[2][j1 + 1]; double d9 = adouble[3][j1 + 1]; for(int k1 = this.verticalNoiseGranularity - 1; k1 >= 0; --k1) { double d10 = (double)k1 / (double)this.verticalNoiseGranularity; double d11 = MathHelper.lerp3(d10, d0, d1, d2, d6, d4, d8, d3, d7, d5, d9); int l1 = j1 * this.verticalNoiseGranularity + k1; if (d11 > 0.0D || l1 < i1) { BlockState blockstate; if (d11 > 0.0D) { blockstate = this.defaultBlock; } else { blockstate = this.defaultFluid; } if (heightmapType.getHeightLimitPredicate().test(blockstate)) { return l1 + 1; } } } } return 0; } or this method: public void generateSurface(IChunk chunkIn) { ChunkPos chunkpos = chunkIn.getPos(); int i = chunkpos.x; int j = chunkpos.z; SharedSeedRandom sharedseedrandom = new SharedSeedRandom(); sharedseedrandom.setBaseChunkSeed(i, j); ChunkPos chunkpos1 = chunkIn.getPos(); int k = chunkpos1.getXStart(); int l = chunkpos1.getZStart(); double d0 = 0.0625D; Biome[] abiome = chunkIn.getBiomes(); for(int i1 = 0; i1 < 16; ++i1) { for(int j1 = 0; j1 < 16; ++j1) { int k1 = k + i1; int l1 = l + j1; int i2 = chunkIn.getTopBlockY(Heightmap.Type.WORLD_SURFACE_WG, i1, j1) + 1; double d1 = this.surfaceDepthNoise.noiseAt((double)k1 * 0.0625D, (double)l1 * 0.0625D, 0.0625D, (double)i1 * 0.0625D); abiome[j1 * 16 + i1].buildSurface(sharedseedrandom, chunkIn, k1, l1, i2, d1, this.getSettings().getDefaultBlock(), this.getSettings().getDefaultFluid(), this.getSeaLevel(), this.world.getSeed()); } } this.makeBedrock(chunkIn, sharedseedrandom); } But I'm not sure what to change
  3. I've already done the bedrock thing, that works fine. The CaveWorldCarver is a biome specific thing, and I know it's not the thing that controls if there's a roof or not as I replaced my biome with an OceanBiome and it still had a roof. I'm fairly sure it's in either the chunk generator or the noise chunk generator, but both have like 4 methods that are incomprehensible.
  4. I've already made my own chunk generator and all that, but the vanilla code is super confusing and like 90% of the variables are obfuscated even with updated mappings. Also it's a crap ton of math functions that I don't think I could realistically comprehend.
  5. I basically copy pasted all the code necessary for a dimension based on the Nether, but I'm now trying to figure out how to make it have an open top/roof. I tried overriding isSurfaceWorld, but that doesn't seem to work. Any ideas?
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