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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Thank you very much! It worked perfectly! Best regards, Alex
  2. Hey there! I've created a custom ContainerItem (SnusCan) and I wanted this ContainerItem to store only one specific Item. Is there a specific funtion for it? Like isItemValidForSlot()? This is my source-code (It's a little bit of a mess don't judge me ) https://github.com/AlexanderBrenner/BetterTobaccoMod I think the Problem is in SnusCanContainer.java where the ContainerItem handles the in- & output. Could anyone help with this problem?
  3. @matt1999rd Thank you a lot! Yes it worked!
  4. Hey there! I am trying to grow my own seeds in Minecraft 1.14.4. Altough that after hours of research I couldn't find any helpful articles, documentations and videos about these topic. Does anyone have any previous experience or documentation? This is my source-code (It's a little bit of a mess don't judge me ) https://github.com/AlexanderBrenner/BetterTobaccoMod The main problem is, that the textures of the different Grow-stages aren't displayed ingame. (I Think) I have added all required .JSON files in the models.block and the blockstate folders. The textures could be found in textures.block. I am not sure if anything is wrong with the .JSON files or if i made a mistake in the "TobaccoPlant.java". Blockid is registered as tobacco_plant. Could anyone help with this problem?
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