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Everything posted by Tupaç

  1. Hmm, unfortunately this doesn't seems to work, it considers singleplayer as client and that doesn't work with my purpose.
  2. Sorry I may be explaining this incorrectly, the idea is that any player with the mod can join a server that doesn't have the mod, so I can't ask the server to save my data because of this, witch I solve saving the data on a json in the profile folder.
  3. I know how to save the data, what I want to know if the mod is installed on the server or not, if is in the server I save the data on the player, if the mods is being use clientside only, I save the data on a json.
  4. Hi, I want to know if my mod is installed in the server or just being used clientside only, this is because I want to save data on a Json if the mod is clientside only. I've tried with the world Load/Unload events but on a singleplayer world those trigger multiple times giving both (True/False) results. Thanks!
  5. Yes, that's exactly what I was looking for, Thanks!! ???1?
  6. is it possible to make a TextFieldWidget only accept numbers? I want to let the player config a range (int) in a TextFieldWidget, and I'd like to prevent the player from typing non numeric values. Thanks
  7. ServerWorld#getSaveFolder seems to no exist anymore I'm trying to get the save folder name when world loads and unloads with their respective WorldEvents Cheers
  8. is it possible to get a list with all the name of the sounds in the game? if so, what's the best way to do it?. I need a List<ResourceLocation> with all the sounds, included modded if possible. 🤞
  9. I want to keep the mod client side, so i can't access the server side... i think?
  10. Hi! i want to save a json file in the world save folder, how can i locate that folder client side? i know that getWorldName() exists, but Minecrafts allows to have multiple worlds with the same name but with different folders. An alternative could be creating a custom folder and delete it when the world gets deleted, is there any way to know when the world get deleted? For servers I am planning to use a custom folder. Cheers! ?
  11. Hi, is there a way to detect client side when player joins/exits the world? i was using PlayerEvent.PlayerLoggedInEvent and PlayerEvent.PlayerLoggedOutEvent but this doesn't work on servers. i need to detect when the player exits the world or closes the game to save data on disk.
  12. Ah, i see. ok is there a suggested method for saving data on disk? or you recommend anyone in special?
  13. Hi, is it possible to save a resourceLocation List on the player (or similar) clientside? if so, how? i have a gui with a list of names and i want to keep those names after the client is closed and open. thanks
  14. I basically have a gui with buttons, if you press a button, its name is added to the list. The problem seems to be that the server can't access that list, or maybe it access a different one, so when the nbt is saved, the position is ok but the list is empty.
  15. Certainly i was missing getUpdatePacket() , but still it is not working, it seems that the server can't access to the list i am saving, i put a print in the write/read functions and it prints empty while the client prints correctly, i assume i have to use a custom network for this?
  16. I have a TE that stores a List, i'm using a ListNBT with CompoundNBT to store the block position and the list beloging to the TE, it works perfectly on client, but it does not load/save on server. This are probably the useful errors: Client Server: And this is the write/read functions: Obviously i am missing something, can anyone help me?
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