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  1. My goal was to get the 3D style icons such as those of blocks and some items such as fences as they are displayed in your inventory. I am not concerned with the 2D .png icons that can be found in the jar. However, I think I'm going to have to give up on the idea as I haven't been able to figure out over the past several days how to manually render the model for an item. Let alone a specific model or do it in such a way that I could I could access the OpenGL buffer before it is cleared (or however it would have to be done) to be able to write it to a BufferedImage.
  2. Rendering the models with the inventory variant is precisely one of the things I'm trying to accomplish. But I'm not sure how to start and haven't been able to find any resources to educate myself. I am asking to be pointed in the right direction to learn how to do that. I have no nefarious intentions for using the images if that is your concern. They will simply be displayed on a website like any number of other third party sites do if you Google "minecraft items".
  3. Hello, I posted this same question yesterday in regards to Minecraft 1.12 and was told that 1.12 is no longer supported and I will need to upgrade to a newer version. Given that 1.14 is in LTS and the next closest version I will begin upgrading to that. However, the question posed in the original thread remains the same even if on a new version of Minecraft and I may as well try to get ahead of the ball. I have quoted the original post below but fellow readers should be aware that all the links other than the OpenGL docs link link to resources for 1.12. I have left the links in as I'm not sure how useful they will or won't be to future readers of this thread.
  4. Hello, I am trying to save the icons of the games items as they appear when in your inventory (or in the crafting grid, where they appear the same as in the inventory) to an image file (PNG or GIF). Using this thread and this thread as jumping off points to start in the right direction, and with some browsing of the OpenGL documentation and Forge documentation, I have been able to save the 2D flat icons to images (items like foods such as apple and potato and tools like pickaxes) by loading TextureMap.LOCATION_BLOCKS_TEXTURE into memory with OpenGL, writing it to a BufferedImage, and then using BufferedImage.getSubImage with the TextureAtlasSprite.getOriginX/Y and TextureAtlasSprite.getHeight/Widthfunctions. However, I have not been able to figure out how the save the inventory icons of items like dirt / stone / etc blocks or items like stairs / fences which appear as more "3D" than the more flat 2D inventory icons. I saw it noted in the second linked post that I may need to render the model so that I may capture a "screenshot". I have been unsuccessful in my research attempts to try and figure out how to manually render a model or how one might capture the "screenshot" of the rendered model. It might also be worth mentioning that I am proficient in Java but quite new to Minecraft modding. Any information you can provide or examples you could point me to to help me get started with my attempts to save the 3D inventory icons would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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