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Everything posted by Silverbeam

  1. nevermind, i figured it out. delete or lock the topic.
  2. I'm trying to make it so that my modded block "ruby_block" is harvestable with an iron pickaxe or above, amd i believe it is done like this? event.getRegistry().register(new Block(Block.Properties.create(Material.IRON).hardnessAndResistance(5.0f, 6.0f).sound(SoundType.METAL).harvestLevel(2).harvestTool(null)).setRegistryName("ruby_block")); and i think something must replace null for it to work properly? what would go there? Thanks for helpin
  3. changed every instance of SCM_Craft in file names to scmcraft and it worked. Thank you so much!
  4. Also, I have a logger problem that i believe can be fixed by just removing it as it is unused.
  5. In src/main/resources, I have package "assets.SCMCraft" and folder "META-INF". within the folder i have "mods.toml".
  6. https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/3ca4b9474119480889df2116147d4d36 from my mod folder run/logs. sorry, im new to this. its a lot longer, even though it was only one launch.
  7. https://pastebin.com/1c74Npu4 Named "Silverbeam's Debug log 3/25/20".
  8. So i started modding 1.15.1, and after setting up the workplace, i launched my client to make sure everything is functioning properly. However, after going through the FML early loading process, it gets stuck at the minecraft loading screen. after a while, it will finish loading, show a menu with boxes instead of letters, and then load again, show the screen again, and loop. Any help?
  9. In my mod, I have mana implemented. . However, you can gain 50 mana by right clicking on a bed. I have a weapon that, when you right click, consumes 50 mana and spawns EntityLargeFireball. If your mana is less than 50, then a line of text appears in chat. However, for some reason you are able to spawn multiple Fireballs when you shouldn't be able to. For example, if i had 150 mana, I should be able to spawn 3 fireballs, but instead it spawns anywhere from 3 to maybe 8. Once mana reaches 0, the text appears as it should. However, once mana goes back up, the fireball doesn't spawn and the text still occurs. Here is the code that is in the weapon. Can anyone help? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ @Override public ActionResult<ItemStack> onItemRightClick(World worldIn, EntityPlayer playerIn, EnumHand handIn) { if(playerIn.hasCapability(ManaProvider.MANA_CAP, null)) { if(playerIn.getCapability(ManaProvider.MANA_CAP, null).consume(50f)) { playerIn.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(MobEffects.RESISTANCE, 5, 1000)); Minecraft.getMinecraft().world.spawnEntity(new EntityLargeFireball(Minecraft.getMinecraft().world, playerIn.posX, playerIn.posY, playerIn.posZ, 3d, 0d, 3d)); } else { playerIn.sendMessage(new TextComponentString("FUCK YOU, DIP DIP")); } } _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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