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Everything posted by wYvern

  1. Thanks for the advice. Kinda old thread i got everything working already
  2. this here seems kinda weird. i think this would probably make gravity 2 times as big. you might not be seeing the higher jump because the gravity is stronger and pulling the player to the ground faster. this is just speculation. i think giving the player a jump boost effect (like, the potion one) may be a better idea. Also im pretty sure you can check if the player is jumping using the LivingJumpEvent if that's useful. I hope this helps at least a little
  3. The import net.minecraft.item.ItemSword cannot be resolved hello. i've been getting this error for the past few days and i couldn't find anything on the internet about it. i'm working with minecraft 1.14.4 and this isn't a problem i was having when working in 1.12. i've setup the project, saw that it didn't work, deleted all the project files (also deleted the .gradle folder in the users directory) and tried setting it up again. i went through this process about 5 times. there is really not much code i can share since it's a new project with not much added. i've run "gradlew Eclispe" but i also tried the "gradlew genEclipseRuns". same result every single time. please help i'm losing my sanity, thank you
  4. Yeah I'm sorry about that it wouldn't let me upload them idk why. My mod was 1.14 but I couldn't find that many resources or forum posts to go off of so I went down to 1.12. additionally when I made the mod in 1.14 following a tutorial (the 1.14 series by Harry talks) it worked, but the methods he used are apparently wrong (learned that from this forum). I am going to update to 1.14 and see if the problem persists. Thank you for the advice!
  5. I have been constantly for the last 2 days to get my head around this problem. I've seen countless tutorials and I've read countless forum posts but I couldn't for the life of me fix this. As the title suggests I don't have any errors within my code (none that I know of, at least) yet the .Lang file and the textures or models don't load. It's like they don't even exist. Here's a link to my code and the resources folder: https://github.com/IAmwYvern/bettercombatmod Thank you in advance
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