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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I'm sorry? I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean by that. I don't believe there is one "right way", it's simply a matter of choice
  2. I'm using Mixins because it's way easier to interact with the game.
  3. I have this which calls my beacon GUI, which just adds a bunch of buttons on the side. All those buttons do is change an int. @Inject(method = "displayGUIChest", at = @At("HEAD"), cancellable = true) public void onDisplayGUIChest(IInventory chestInventory, CallbackInfo ci) { if (ModuleManager.getModuleByName("BeaconSelector").isEnabled()) { if (chestInventory instanceof IInteractionObject) { if ("minecraft:beacon".equals(((IInteractionObject)chestInventory).getGuiID())) { Minecraft.getMinecraft().displayGuiScreen(new BeaconGui(this.inventory, chestInventory)); ci.cancel(); } } } } In the class it changes the int I have a listener changing some packet bytes.
  4. I do not. That's what I'm hung up on getting currently. Telling the game to click from 1 position to the other moves the item and it works server side.
  5. I found a payment field but I can't figure out how to access it.
  6. for beacons? because I can move items to chest slots just fine
  7. Try restarting the launcher. If that doesn't work, backup your .minecraft and try with a clean folder.
  8. I made a client sided mod that can do stuff to the effects of beacons, now I'd like it to automatically insert a usable material (eg iron) into the beacon slot. Unfortunately, when you run a for loop checking for the item in the inventory, it doesn't find anything when the iron is inside the beacon slot. So is there a slot I can move items to in the beacon GUI? if (mc.player.inventory.getStackInSlot(i).getItem() == Items.IRON_INGOT)
  9. You do realise the answer isn't no? ```java @Override public void onUpdate() { mc.rightClickDelayTimer = 0; } ``` this is a perfectly usable solution or you know, go to literally any google result called Fastplace when googling `rightClickDelayTimer` Edit: realised how old this is, oops
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