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Everything posted by Felix_

  1. Oh thanks. Got a solution by now, i just made my own file format and parsed the object to textured quads
  2. Hi there, I want to use my custom 3D Models I created, but I don't understand how to render and bake custom 3D OBJ Models, or if it is even possible. Here is what I got so far: public class BakeHandler { public BakeHandler() { OBJLoader.INSTANCE.addDomain(HelicopterMod.MOD_ID); } @SubscribeEvent public void onModelBake(ModelBakeEvent event) { try { IUnbakedModel model = OBJLoader.INSTANCE.loadModel(new ResourceLocation(HelicopterMod.MOD_ID, "models/entity/helicopter_tris.obj")); //model.bake(bakery, spriteGetter, sprite, format); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } I simply don't know where to continue now, as I don't find any currently working example or explanation. Does anyone of you guys know an example I can look at, or a good explanation on how to use OBJ models for entities? Would appreciate any help
  3. Thank you very much! it's somewhat working now Now gonna try to use my .obj file. Thanks for the help!
  4. many thanks That's what I wrote there now: event.getRegistry().registerAll( EntityList.helicopter_entity = (EntityType<HelicopterEntity>) EntityType .Builder .<HelicopterEntity>create(HelicopterEntity::new ,EntityClassification.MISC) .size(1f, 1f) .build(MOD_ID + ":helicopter_entity") .setRegistryName(location("helicopter_entity")) ); When I now try to place the entity i get a RunTime exception. Edit by changing the code to: event.getRegistry().registerAll( EntityList.helicopter_entity = (EntityType<HelicopterEntity>) EntityType .Builder .<HelicopterEntity>create(HelicopterEntity::new ,EntityClassification.MISC) .setCustomClientFactory(HelicopterEntity::new) .size(1f, 1f) .build(MOD_ID + ":helicopter_entity") .setRegistryName(location("helicopter_entity")) ); I don't get a exception anymore, but if I spawn the entity nothing is happening. It must be somewhere, since I can destroy it, but there is nothing visible. Do you know where the problem is in this code?
  5. Hi, I stripped down the code to the most essential things: https://github.com/Felixleh/helicopter And I found a possible solution by using some build in function: @Override public IPacket<?> createSpawnPacket() { return NetworkHooks.getEntitySpawningPacket(this); } Apperently this should solve the problem. I can place the entity in the world by rightclicking the item, but I can't create it with the summon command. When created it's invisible and has no collision. Is there anything I am doing obviously wrong? I tried to create my own Packet but I still don't understand how to work with the handler part.
  6. hm thanks anyways is there anything that you would recommend me to do or where I could learn the things I need to make this project possible?
  7. Thanks! I found the documentation, but honestly I have no Idea where to start. Do you know any stripped down example code of a custom non-living entity, I could use to try to understand the concept?
  8. Hi first of all thanks for the answer. I'm, of course, going to change the domain, when i came somewhat further. Do I have to use something instead of @OnlyIn or can I just remove it? For the custom Packet: Can I use a class with a signature similar to this one: public class SpawnHelicopterPacket implements IPacket<IClientPlayNetHandler> And if yes, how could i use the handler.handleSpawnObject(this); part? Sorry if that's to basic, but I really can't find anything helpfull on google.
  9. Hi there, I'm new to minecraft modelling, not to Java though. I try to make a custom mod, that adds a helicopter. For the start I tried to basically copy a boat. The problem: When I spawn the custom entity, it is invisible. It is definitly there, since I can kill it with the ingame comments and TNT can destroy the entity, with the explosion dropping the item. Basically i copied the minecraft boat classes, so i guess it has something to do with rendering or registration? Here is the Github link if anyone is willing to help: https://github.com/Felixleh/helicopter Would appreciate any help, as I have no idea where this comes from
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