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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Right, but I'm not lying to you. Something is happening in this version of Forge that doesn't happen in other versions because otherwise I would be experiencing the same issue on 1.14.4, but I'm not.
  2. Is this the only place I can report this bug? Perhaps a Forge contributor could take a look at the crash logs
  3. Is there anything else I should provide? This seems like it could be an issue with Forge.
  4. in the past I would just leave it and go get a cup of tea, so quite a long time
  5. https://privatebin.net/?4d49bfe5f0a318a6#2vayb1tTKVu6Bt2DoJSWv9WJWhmyCRM9FbpxF1JQoCqJ Launcher_log.txt (after crash) https://privatebin.net/?4243b5512b3320b2#CU13pozb9mGAC3y2E2ANqLsTMkfQWLXKvMtCfkMLHPM9 debug.log (after crash)
  6. I have 8GB of ram in my computer and I've already tried setting the limit that java can use down to 2GB so I'd have a lot of leeway. I've also been able to run Forge on newer versions of Minecraft, however, this is still not good because lots of mods haven't been updated.
  7. Tried without the parameters, still crashes. There are no hs_err_pid files. Yes, that was the complete file
  8. Added it to the bottom of the post: https://privatebin.net/?e65214982aba67f2#ETyHtuouwVnPv795GQd3QezgXW8vZKK3y9BgGscYF57K
  9. What happens: When launching Minecraft with Forge installed the game window opens up and presents the Forge loading screen where it's initializing all the game details, about half way through this process my entire computer freezes and I'm forced to reboot to regain control (UI hangs during the freeze). What I've tried: Installing Forge with the automatic installer on the latest version of Minecraft (1.14.4) with Forge version (28.0.101), THIS WORKS and Forge works fine and doesn't nuke my PC, only issue is that it's not compatible with any mods I want to install. I have tried changing the amount of memory allocated to Minecraft, tried once with 2GB of memory allocated, tried many times with 4GB allocated, tried once with 6GB allocated. I tried running Minecraft without Forge (this works) I've tried using programs such as MultiMC, atlauncher and also just manually installing Forge - nothing works. Tried using a more recent version of Java, this isn't supported by Minecraft anyway so this was really a last ditch attempt. What would probably be a good idea: Trying on another computer, although I don't have a second device with Ubuntu installed on. Finding the exact moment that the crash happens because it seems to happen at the same time during every loading of Minecraft Useful info: Minecraft version: 1.12.2 Forge version(s): & Operating System: Ubuntu 19.04 Java version: openjdk version "1.8.0_222" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_222-8u222-b10-1ubuntu1~19.04.1-b10) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.222-b10, mixed mode) Java parameters: -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M latest.log contents: https://privatebin.net/?2be9be8a779d2204#6FCj1jgcFrrssK28ggfYGpzcNRMBoV2tqMF7vqsQumsa debug.log contents: https://privatebin.net/?e65214982aba67f2#ETyHtuouwVnPv795GQd3QezgXW8vZKK3y9BgGscYF57K
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