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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Hey, I'm trying to create a /contract command that allows players to create a contract and send it to a player, the typical steps to make one are /contract create myContract mymod:forage_contract /contract edit myContract [some key] [some value] OR /contract edit myContract [add | remove] [some value] The mymod:forage_contract is a resource location that points to a registered Criteria object, and I want the arguments past edit myContract to be determined by the criteria the player selected I've figured out that I can use ArgumentBuilder#fork to redirect the command, and have created this abstract function in the Criteria class public abstract CommandNode<CommandSourceStack> getCommand(); Issue is, I don't know how to obtain the selected Criteria that the player has written in the chat so far, in order to redirect/fork it in the first place. This is my current code public static void register(CommandDispatcher<CommandSourceStack> dispatcher) { RequiredArgumentBuilder<CommandSourceStack, ?> criteriaNode = Commands.argument("criteria", ResourceLocationArgument.id()) .suggests((s, v) -> { CriteriaType.TYPE_REGISTRY.get().getKeys().forEach(r -> v.suggest(r.toString())); return v.buildFuture(); } ); dispatcher.register( Commands.literal("contract").requires(CommandSourceStack::isPlayer).then( Commands.literal("edit").then( Commands.argument("name", StringArgumentType.string()).then(criteriaNode) ) ) ); }
  2. Realised my build.gradle was missing some things that lead to it not properly shading. It's fixed now!
  3. What does that mean then? Do I have to reference the driver using Class.forName() and include the "shaded" part?
  4. Currently trying to add H2 Database support with my mod. I've shaded the h2 database engine in my build.gradle like so: shadowJar { dependencies { include dependency("org.json:json:20180813"), include dependency("com.h2database:h2:1.0.60") } relocate("org.json", "shaded.org.json") relocate("com.h2database","shaded.com.h2database") } ... reobf { shadowJar { mappingType = 'SEARGE' } } Issue is, everytime I attempt to establish a connection using my H2Connection class like so: H2Connection db = new H2Connection("jdbc:h2:D:/H2db/test/test", "admin", "password"); I get an error saying: java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:h2:D:/H2db/test/test Anyone know whats up? Am I doing this right? This is my H2Connectionclass: public class H2Connection { private Connection conn; public H2Connection() {} public H2Connection(String url, String user, String pass) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { connect(url, user, pass); } public void connect(String url, String user, String pass) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url,user,pass); } public ResultSet query(String query) throws SQLException { return conn.createStatement().executeQuery(query); } }
  5. Well with my plugin I wish to enable users to create recipes with my own .json format that supports NBT and register that through my code. It's hard to do so when the recipes for a forge mod/plugin are stored within the assets of said mod/plugin, meaning players would have to store the json files within the actual jar itself. I want the mod/plugin to have command support too to register the items.
  6. So there's no way I can register a new ShapedCraftingRecipe from my plugin's code without .json files?
  7. Working on a current server plugin and I was wondering if its possible to create Crafting recipes through Java code alone within my plugin rather than storing the recipes in `assets/modid/recipes` ? I'd want to parse my own .json files within the plugins config folder and generate and register crafting recipes like so.
  8. No, I want it to apply to every item. Is this possible?
  9. I'm looking for a crafting event that allows me to modify the item being crafted. Sponge has a similar event, CraftItemEvent.Preview which allows me to modify the item being crafted. The reason for this is that I'm creating a plugin that introduces random ranks to items, and I want the crafting event to calculate the average of all item's and their ranks, and apply it to the item being crafted.
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