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Doctor Moonbad

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Everything posted by Doctor Moonbad

  1. Good News: I finally fixed it. I was making typos the entire time, so it was basically a streak of bad luck, which got extended because of my lack of experience with the JSON files. The final, correct code is this one: { "type": "minecraft:crafting_shaped", "pattern": [ "DCC", "A B", "CCD" ], "key": { "A": { "item": "grazodiamod:magisoli_crystal", "data": 32767 }, "B": { "item": "grazodiamod:magisorbeo_crystal", "data": 32767 }, "C": { "item": "grazodiamod:terrametal_wire", "data": 0 }, "D": { "item": "minecraft:redstone", "data": 0 } }, "result": { "item": "grazodiamod:magimagnet", "data": 0 } } Thanks Draco and Diesieben, you helped me understand what the actual heck was going on. I also need to apologize for taking your time, I'm truly sorry, it was a very simple problem.
  2. So, the actual issue is that I'm writing it wrong. How it should be? I thought the name of the keys were "#" or "W". EDIT: I remember now.
  3. So, the code you gave me works perfectly as expected. But this one I made for testing didn't: { "type": "minecraft:crafting_shaped", "pattern": [ "#WW", " W ", "WW#" ], "key": { "#": { "item": "minecraft:iron_pickaxe", "data": 32767 } }, "key": { "W": { "item": "minecraft:diamond_pickaxe", "data": 32767 } }, "result": { "item": "minecraft:stonebrick", "data": 0, "count": 4 } } Can you guys please test? Also, I'm sorry for taking your time with this.
  4. I thought that the code bellow was the recipe. Also the items that I'm having problems with are the crystals.
  5. I'm going to explain everything again, with topics: I have a recipe that has 2 items with variable durability as ingredients. I can't craft with them unless they have their durability values set to max. Changing the data value on the recipe to 32767 does NOT solve the problem. The Minecraft version I'm working with is 1.12.2.
  6. I've tried to use the value 32767 for the data value on as you two said multiple times. That's what I was talking about.
  7. I know it isn't there now, but I've tested it multiple times to be sure, trust me.
  8. Can I ask a question? I understood the "data" key as an NBT data as described here: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/NBT_format What it does to the ingredient, exactly? Also, I've already tried changing it's value to 32767, 2767 and 12. None of them seems to work. Let me give you a screenshot of the recipe and the code I made on the JSON file, so you can tell me what I must do in these situations. Code: { "type": "minecraft:crafting_shaped", "pattern": [ "RWW", "O U", "WWR" ], "key": { "W": [ { "item": "grazodiamod:terrametal_wire", "data": 0 } ], "R": [ { "item": "minecraft:redstone", "data": 0 } ], "U": [ { "item": "grazodiamod:magisolium_crystal", "data": 0 } ], "O": [ { "item": "grazodiamod:magisorbio_crystal", "data": 0 } ] }, "result": { "item": "grazodiamod:magimagnet", "data": 0 } }
  9. Well, I tried using the "data", "meta" and "metadata" keys but they did not work. What is the actual metadata key?
  10. Where do I change the metadata value? I tried using: @Override public int getMetadata(ItemStack stack) { return 32767; } on the item's custom class, but it did not work. There's also no method available in 1.12.2 to set it after initializing the item. Edit: I know it might be a stupid question, but please understand that I a Noob at programming using the Forge API, although I know how to code in Java, Lua, C# and Python.
  11. I see. Thank you very much. Looks like 1.14 seems much easier version to work with. Thanks.
  12. Hello, I'm Moonbad. I've coded a recipe that uses items that never have their durability at maximum. How can I make Minecraft understand that I can use them for crafting, even though they aren't in this totally state?
  13. Hi there, I'm Moonbad. How does one implement a custom variable that can have different values throughout different instances of the same item? I created a Class called ItemAbsorber that increases it's "Charge" variable over time, but all instances of this item have the same "Charge", as if they where one. How do I make Minecraft understand that each item has it's own "Charge"? EDIT (1): Messing with the item's durability does not seem to solve the issue.
  14. Alright, I'll try itemstack.getItem() == Item.getItemFromBlock(Blocks.DIRT)
  15. Yeah, I thought about that, but there is no Items.Dirt or something like that.
  16. I did not know that it was possible. Thank you for your lightning-speed answer. How can I do that? EDIT: I'm trying right now with new ItemStack(Blocks.Dirt);
  17. Hi there, I'm Moonbad. I've recently started developing a mod, called "Grazodia" for Minecraft 1.12.2, and I found something to be really strange. I want an item to detect a another certain item inside the player's inventory by comparing names with the methods getUnlocalizedName or getDisplayName, but none of them seem to work. Here's a code I made for detecting Dirt Blocks: @Override public void onUpdate(ItemStack stack, World worldIn, Entity entityIn, int itemSlot, boolean isSelected) { this.clock++; if(this.clock >= 40) { this.clock = 0; EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer)entityIn; InventoryPlayer inventory = player.inventory; for (int i = 0; i < 27; i++) { ItemStack item = inventory.mainInventory.get(i); String itemName = item.getUnlocalizedName(); if (itemName == "tile.dirt.default") { System.out.println("I:[ " + i + " ] [ " + itemName + " ]"); } } } Can someone help me, please? I'm really confused because when I remove the if statement, all Dirt Blocks' names in my inventory are displayed correctly, exactly as "tile.dirt.default".
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