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Everything posted by Jarofdoom

  1. They are translucent based on the distance to the sound.
  2. Yes, well, that's very specific and helpful of you. /sarcasm I was just coming back to post that I have found the answer myself: I am using eclipse. When you specify where to find the custom texture files, it is looking in MCP\eclipse\Client\bin as the starting point. Since no one bothered to say this anywhere in any tutorials I've seen, it's a bit of a mystery until you figure it out yourself. Maybe someone else will have this problem and find this post and find the solution posted here, in clear text, and rejoice that someone bothered to actually post the solution to this problem. Uhhhh. It was specific of him, and he told you the exact solution...
  3. Use OptiFine C-series. A is incompatible with FML.
  4. Ensure you decompile with a CLEAN jar, not a modloader'd jar.
  5. Use the latest. Then report back.
  6. I can't think why you would need this?
  7. Thanks As for the per-sound effects, what would you like to see for each sound, bearing in mind spriting is going to be a dick?
  8. Premise: As a person with no directional hearing, it annoys me when creepers sneak up on me from behind. So I made this. Purpose: To provide a sense of direction to the sounds you hear (or to give the sound information when the sound is off SEE NOTES). Screenshots: Install it into the .minecraft/mods/ folder with Forge version greater than 100 installed. Download links: NOTES: Due to the way the sound forge hook works, you must keep the volume at 1% or above in order for the hook to be called. It is possible however to mute Minecraft separately using your operating system's volume control in all good operating systems. Finally, this is mod is under active development, and I will take account of your opinions and ideas. I may or may not choose to ignore them, though Pending features: Speak to me to get some listed here
  9. I though that but as the FML is provided with Forge and couldn't find forum for it I decided to post it here. Where should I then post it? https://github.com/cpw/FML/issues?state=open
  10. Don't you think that it would look suspicious if there would be reported two mods with same name? Boom, hack detected. Forge's ident code is easily disabled, no?
  11. Just play around with the console. The atan function may be using radians as it's primary in/out, so a value above 2pi may not work or be wonked out. This, but also see http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/lang/Math.html#atan2%28double,%20double%29
  12. The answer is not completely different. atan = tan^-1
  13. Sorry, I just got in high school. You'll be a couple steps ahead then I would argue that you can't really make assumptions based on age/education. In my high school you learn basic trig in geometry, and then real trig is entirely optional. No assumptions were made. What are you on about? SoHCaHToA *is* basic trig...
  14. Sorry, I just got in high school. You'll be a couple steps ahead then
  15. This is all GCSE-level trigononmetry, BTW.
  16. Point C is simply the point where your lines intersect at right angles on the 0-degree line. Therefore point C has the same X value as A and same Y as B. For an example calculation, let point A be of co-ordinate (1,2) and point B be co-ordinate (4,5) This means point C has co-ordinates (1,5). Next, we get line b and c. b=sqrt((4-1)^2+(5-2)^2)=4.24264069 c=sqrt((1-1)^2+(5-2)^2)=3 . Next, we plug this into Tan^-1 to get Angle=Tan^-1(3/4.24264069)=35.26 degrees, or 0.6154797 radians.
  17. You want the bearing of the rocket? If so, that's equivalent to tan-1(distance between source and where you put the angle 0 text on that image/distance between target and source). See this image: Point B is your destination, point A is your source and point C is required to work out the length of line b, which goes into the tan function.
  18. Error logs. We need them. Please do not post again in this thread unless it contains an error log, I'm sure Overmind'll warn you if you do...
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