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Everything posted by socky110

  1. Does a mod that adds hit boxes for critical hits for different mobs already exist? If so, what is the link to it. If not, I will attempt to make it.
  2. Out of all the stuff online, I can only find instructions for first person. I need third person perspective changes. Specifically, I am making the Hand aim on the y axis with the head while a specific item is equipped.
  3. what is a "client-only event subscriber"?
  4. I can't find what the 1.14.3 equivalency is of @Side only. The problem to solve is that I can't use the RenderPlayerEvent.Pre event on server and need to know how to make it client sided. java.lang.RuntimeException: Attempted to load class net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/PlayerRenderer for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER
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