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  1. Thanks for explaining it a bit more, i think i got the general understanding and ill update you for results. EDIT: Yea i still sadly cant figure out how to implement it into the game. the EntityJoinWorldEvent is the one i dont understand at all. I have no clue where to put any code in there besides the @Mod.EventBusSubscriber which still isnt applicable to the method. If i cant figure this out im probably just gonna cancel the mod because 1.14 code is confusing
  2. Im really sorry, but im not understanding anything of which you are doing. You probably are, but as i was saying i want to implement the changes i made to RangedBowAttackGoal to the game itself. Again, heres the code for RangedBowAttackGoal, and my workspace is set up like this. package com.wiisoup.stopstrafing.entity.ai.goal; import java.util.EnumSet; import net.minecraft.entity.IRangedAttackMob; import net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity; import net.minecraft.entity.ai.goal.Goal; import net.minecraft.entity.ai.goal.Goal.Flag; import net.minecraft.entity.monster.MonsterEntity; import net.minecraft.entity.projectile.ProjectileHelper; import net.minecraft.item.BowItem; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.item.Items; import java.util.EnumSet; public class RangedBowAttackGoal<T extends MonsterEntity & IRangedAttackMob> extends Goal { private final T entity; private final double moveSpeedAmp; private int attackCooldown; private final float maxAttackDistance; private int attackTime = -1; private int seeTime; public RangedBowAttackGoal(T mob, double moveSpeedAmpIn, int attackCooldownIn, float maxAttackDistanceIn) { this.entity = mob; this.moveSpeedAmp = moveSpeedAmpIn; this.attackCooldown = attackCooldownIn; this.maxAttackDistance = maxAttackDistanceIn * maxAttackDistanceIn; this.setMutexFlags(EnumSet.of(Flag.MOVE, Flag.LOOK)); } public void setAttackCooldown(int p_189428_1_) { this.attackCooldown = p_189428_1_; } public boolean shouldExecute() { return this.entity.getAttackTarget() == null ? false : this.isBowInMainhand(); } protected boolean isBowInMainhand() { ItemStack main = this.entity.getHeldItemMainhand(); ItemStack off = this.entity.getHeldItemOffhand(); return main.getItem() instanceof BowItem || off.getItem() instanceof BowItem; } public boolean shouldContinueExecuting() { return (this.shouldExecute() || !this.entity.getNavigator().noPath()) && this.isBowInMainhand(); } public void startExecuting() { super.startExecuting(); this.entity.setAggroed(true); } public void resetTask() { super.resetTask(); this.entity.setAggroed(false); this.seeTime = 0; this.attackTime = -1; this.entity.resetActiveHand(); } public void tick() { LivingEntity livingentity = this.entity.getAttackTarget(); if (livingentity != null) { double d0 = this.entity.getDistanceSq(livingentity.posX, livingentity.getBoundingBox().minY, livingentity.posZ); boolean flag = this.entity.getEntitySenses().canSee(livingentity); boolean flag1 = this.seeTime > 0; if (flag != flag1) { this.seeTime = 0; } if (flag) { ++this.seeTime; } else { --this.seeTime; } if (d0 <= (double)this.maxAttackDistance && this.seeTime >= 20) { this.entity.getNavigator().clearPath(); } else { this.entity.getNavigator().tryMoveToEntityLiving(livingentity, this.moveSpeedAmp); } if ((double)this.entity.getRNG().nextFloat() < 0.3D) { } if ((double)this.entity.getRNG().nextFloat() < 0.3D) { } }}}
  3. WAIT, so digging around in the folders of my mod directory, i found that in the rangedbowattack goal it contains all of the code i need to change within the skeleton. if i was to remove the strafe, what would i remove? i see strafing time, but not sure what to do with that. EDIT: Okay, so i implemented the code changing the ai, so what do i do next? package net.minecraft.entity.ai.goal; import java.util.EnumSet; import net.minecraft.entity.IRangedAttackMob; import net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity; import net.minecraft.entity.monster.MonsterEntity; import net.minecraft.entity.projectile.ProjectileHelper; import net.minecraft.item.BowItem; import net.minecraft.item.Items; public class RangedBowAttackGoal<T extends MonsterEntity & IRangedAttackMob> extends Goal { private final T entity; private final double moveSpeedAmp; private int attackCooldown; private final float maxAttackDistance; private int attackTime = -1; private int seeTime; private boolean strafingClockwise; private boolean strafingBackwards; private int strafingTime = -1; public RangedBowAttackGoal(T mob, double moveSpeedAmpIn, int attackCooldownIn, float maxAttackDistanceIn) { this.entity = mob; this.moveSpeedAmp = moveSpeedAmpIn; this.attackCooldown = attackCooldownIn; this.maxAttackDistance = maxAttackDistanceIn * maxAttackDistanceIn; this.setMutexFlags(EnumSet.of(Goal.Flag.MOVE, Goal.Flag.LOOK)); } public void setAttackCooldown(int p_189428_1_) { this.attackCooldown = p_189428_1_; } /** * Returns whether the EntityAIBase should begin execution. */ public boolean shouldExecute() { return this.entity.getAttackTarget() == null ? false : this.isBowInMainhand(); } protected boolean isBowInMainhand() { net.minecraft.item.ItemStack main = this.entity.getHeldItemMainhand(); net.minecraft.item.ItemStack off = this.entity.getHeldItemOffhand(); return main.getItem() instanceof BowItem || off.getItem() instanceof BowItem; } /** * Returns whether an in-progress EntityAIBase should continue executing */ public boolean shouldContinueExecuting() { return (this.shouldExecute() || !this.entity.getNavigator().noPath()) && this.isBowInMainhand(); } /** * Execute a one shot task or start executing a continuous task */ public void startExecuting() { super.startExecuting(); this.entity.setAggroed(true); } /** * Reset the task's internal state. Called when this task is interrupted by another one */ public void resetTask() { super.resetTask(); this.entity.setAggroed(false); this.seeTime = 0; this.attackTime = -1; this.entity.resetActiveHand(); } /** * Keep ticking a continuous task that has already been started */ public void tick() { LivingEntity livingentity = this.entity.getAttackTarget(); if (livingentity != null) { double d0 = this.entity.getDistanceSq(livingentity.posX, livingentity.getBoundingBox().minY, livingentity.posZ); boolean flag = this.entity.getEntitySenses().canSee(livingentity); boolean flag1 = this.seeTime > 0; if (flag != flag1) { this.seeTime = 0; } if (flag) { ++this.seeTime; } else { --this.seeTime; } if (!(d0 > (double)this.maxAttackDistance) && this.seeTime >= 20) { this.entity.getNavigator().clearPath(); ++this.strafingTime; } else { this.entity.getNavigator().tryMoveToEntityLiving(livingentity, this.moveSpeedAmp); this.strafingTime = -1; } if (this.strafingTime >= 20) { if ((double)this.entity.getRNG().nextFloat() < 0.3D) { this.strafingClockwise = !this.strafingClockwise; } if ((double)this.entity.getRNG().nextFloat() < 0.3D) { this.strafingBackwards = !this.strafingBackwards; } this.strafingTime = 0; } if (this.strafingTime > -1) { if (d0 > (double)(this.maxAttackDistance * 0.75F)) { this.strafingBackwards = false; } else if (d0 < (double)(this.maxAttackDistance * 0.25F)) { this.strafingBackwards = true; } this.entity.getMoveHelper().strafe(this.strafingBackwards ? -0.5F : 0.5F, this.strafingClockwise ? 0.5F : -0.5F); this.entity.faceEntity(livingentity, 30.0F, 30.0F); } else { this.entity.getLookController().setLookPositionWithEntity(livingentity, 30.0F, 30.0F); } if (this.entity.isHandActive()) { if (!flag && this.seeTime < -60) { this.entity.resetActiveHand(); } else if (flag) { int i = this.entity.getItemInUseMaxCount(); if (i >= 20) { this.entity.resetActiveHand(); ((IRangedAttackMob)this.entity).attackEntityWithRangedAttack(livingentity, BowItem.getArrowVelocity(i)); this.attackTime = this.attackCooldown; } } } else if (--this.attackTime <= 0 && this.seeTime >= -60) { this.entity.setActiveHand(ProjectileHelper.getHandWith(this.entity, Items.BOW)); } } } }
  4. It says that @Mod.EventBusSubscriber is not applicable to method..
  5. package com.wiisoup.stopstrafing.events; import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.EntityJoinWorldEvent; import net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.SubscribeEvent; public class SkeletonSpawnInWorldEvent { @SubscribeEvent public static void joinWorld(EntityJoinWorldEvent event) { System.out.println("Entity Spawned!"); } } I think i changed the code to static.
  6. Ok so i set up the code, and what desht said above about looking through their ai, how would i do that? EDIT: I have inserted the RangedBowAttackGoal, how would i go by editing that? Insert other media
  7. I get an understanding of the code, but how do i set it up? im new to modding but have a heavy understanding of java, and ive started using 1.14.3 code which i know is different from 1.12 code. if i was starting the class, what would i name it and what would i add to the starting? sorry if im bothering you.
  8. So im making a mod that removes the strafe from skeletons, but i need some help figuring out the exact way to make it. like naming the class, how to get the skeleton code, etc. Help would be appreciated, thanks!
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