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  1. I fixed it. I changed b.pos(x, y + height, z).tex(u, maxV).endVertex(); b.pos(x + width, y + height, z).tex(u, maxV).endVertex(); b.pos(x + width, y, z).tex(u, maxV).endVertex(); b.pos(x, y, z).tex(u, maxV).endVertex(); to b.pos(x, y + height, z).tex(u, maxV).endVertex(); b.pos(x + width, y + height, z).tex(maxU, maxV).endVertex(); b.pos(x + width, y, z).tex(maxU, v).endVertex(); b.pos(x, y, z).tex(u, v).endVertex(); . But I have another problem: (I can't find button to insert spoiler in editing mode, sorry) Another textures are also drawn.
  2. It still does not draw fluids except lava. Lava in the gui is like this: and when I fill a tank, others fill too.
  3. Actually, that depends on personal preference. There are no mandatory practice needed for stuff like where to put constants. In addition, preinit, init, and postinit are not necessary; there is no reason to add them unless you need them (which is not "when adding items and blocks"). I said because there was Reference class in the util package. Others are Right.
  4. You should write Reference.MODID and Reference.NAME, not Main.MODID and Main.NAME. mcmod.info changed to mods.toml. Also add , you'll need these when adding items and blocks, etc.
  5. Press Ctrl + Shift + O. Your class name is public class ExampleMod , but why is your file name Main? Class name and file name should match. Block amethystOre = new ModBlock(Material.rock, "amethystOre"); private class ModBlock extends Block Why are you declaring everything in your mod class?
  6. I did things what you said, but fluids in the tanks are invisible. (I updated GitHub repo)
  7. I understand the concept of TextureMap and TextureAtlasSprite, but what is Tessellator and BufferBuilder?
  8. I made a GUI of a fluid handling TileEntity, but in the tank GUI, it is a bit strange. (Don't mind the texts, I will remove that) It is not animated, nor scaled. It seems GUI does not read .mcmeta files, then how do I make fluids render correctly? p.s. What is TextureAtlasSprite? When do I use it? Git repository: here Thanks in advance.
  9. I used 'It' as BlockFluidClassic, not onEntityCollidedWithBlock. Sorry for my poor English.
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