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23brewert's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. hmm? https://gyazo.com/545ebb525ecbb79990afca715b368555
  2. If you what a new thing then here: PS C:\Users\---\Desktop\New folder (3)> java -jar forge-1.12.2- Error: Unable to access jarfile forge-1.12.2-
  3. PS C:\Users\---\Desktop\New folder (3)> java -jar forge Error: Unable to access jarfile forge
  4. This is the issue https://gyazo.com/ef27931638bd944eccbcb5bcdb9588ea The file doesn't do anything I've retried download 200 times by now
  5. can you send me a link with the bat code?
  6. [16:17:20 INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.12.2 [16:17:20 INFO]: Loading properties [16:17:20 ERROR]: Exception handling console input java.io.IOException: The handle is invalid at java.io.FileInputStream.readBytes(Native Method) ~[?:?] at java.io.FileInputStream.read(FileInputStream.java:273) ~[?:?] at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(BufferedInputStream.java:290) ~[?:?] at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(BufferedInputStream.java:351) ~[?:?] at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.readBytes(StreamDecoder.java:284) ~[?:?] at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.implRead(StreamDecoder.java:326) ~[?:?] at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.read(StreamDecoder.java:178) ~[?:?] at java.io.InputStreamReader.read(InputStreamReader.java:185) ~[?:?] at java.io.BufferedReader.fill(BufferedReader.java:161) ~[?:?] at java.io.BufferedReader.readLine(BufferedReader.java:326) ~[?:?] at java.io.BufferedReader.readLine(BufferedReader.java:392) ~[?:?] at nz$2.run(SourceFile:100) [minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar:?] [16:17:20 INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL [16:17:20 INFO]: Generating keypair [16:17:20 INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on *:25565 [16:17:20 INFO]: Using default channel type [16:17:20 INFO]: Preparing level "world" [16:17:21 INFO]: Loaded 488 advancements [16:17:21 INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0 [16:17:22 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 13% [16:17:23 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 34% [16:17:24 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 52% [16:17:25 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 73% [16:17:26 INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 94% [16:17:26 INFO]: Done (6.073s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
  7. Hello when I create my server load most of the files except the config and mods folder. But when I click the forge File it doesn't do anything I have remade the server several times and reinstalled the installer.
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