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Everything posted by TestUser3210

  1. Thank you very much. Do you mean like this? blockToCheck.equals(Blocks.CHEST) What about Items? Can I check them with "Item.getIdFromItem" against constants?
  2. Hello, I wrote a mod a long time ago and I want to port it to forge and Minecraft 1.13.2. I need to check if there are chests at specific coordinates. So, I'm calculating the coordinates based on offsets of the player coordinates. My old code is this: BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(x, y, z); Block blockToCheck = mc.world.getBlockState(pos).getBlock(); if (blockToCheck != null) { if (Block.getIdFromBlock(blockToCheck) == 54 || Block.getIdFromBlock(blockToCheck) == 146) { ... } } But the method "getIdFromBlock" does not exist anymore. Can you tell me how this works today or point me to a tutorial?
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