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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Thanks for the information, it is really useful to me. I understand that at 1.12 you cannot completely abandon the proxy (as you said). But you said in 1.13 you can use @EventBusSubscriber. I use them now on 1.12 (RegistryHandler, ModelRegistryHandler).
  2. You are absolutely right. I read a lot of manuals, but for some reason I thought that the proxy works to separate the logical server and the client. May I ask you an example of what a proxy is used for in brief. After all, it turns out that I even register gui everywhere? I myself already read "Common issues and recommendations" useful, but difficult for beginners)). It turns out the desired proxy scheme looks like: Client ext. IProxy и Server ext. IProxy Thanks so much for wasting your time here.
  3. Hey. I am new to Minecraft modding, and I have a problem that I can't fix. I have a screen with a graphical interface, and every time I try to open it connecting to the server, it does not open. The block continues to have inventory on the server (checked by a hopper). Everything as a whole works but the interface itself does not open. (Block Analyzer) If you run a local world, everything works as it should. I probably make some kind of stupid mistake. But I do not have enough experience to understand what I'm doing wrong. There are no errors in the log like. But I will attach it. Client Server Here is the class of the block itself, as well as the whole mod is also available in the repository. GitHub
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