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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. But I don't know where to put. It needs to be run every single time the player is sneaking, and server-side. So I basically need an endless event loop which runs on the server. Do you know how that works? However, checking 60 times a second for each player on the server if he's sneaking sounds pretty bad for the performance, isn't there a better way with events?
  2. Hi there, I want to spawn lightnings if the player if sneaking. So far I have this class: @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(Side.CLIENT) public class FamilyEventHandler { @SubscribeEvent public static void sneakBoost(InputUpdateEvent event) { if (event.getMovementInput().sneak) { World world = event.getEntity().getEntityWorld(); if(!world.isRemote){ world.spawnEntity(new EntityLightningBolt(world, event.getEntity().posX, event.getEntity().posY, event.getEntity().posZ, true)); } } } } However, world.isRemote is always true, because the InputUpdateEvent only works Client-side. So I could either #1 send a packet to the server which then spawns the entity, or #2 have an event on the server which checks if the player is sneaking. I didn't understand how to send packets yet, so does anyone knows an event to check if a player is sneaking server-side?
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