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  1. 1.7 is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  2. I know this is old, but for anyone that may be lead here by Search engines. Rendering Screen crashes like the one above is a addon issue. in ExtraPlanets.cfg config file set the following from true -> false line 550: # Setting this option to false, will change it back to be using the Galacticraft Galaxy Map/Celestaial Selection Screen B:"Use Custom Galaxy Map/Celestaial Selection Screen"=false
  3. some mods are only needed server side, others are needed client side only. Simply being able to separate them if one desired would help for whatever their reasons may be. Like the reason i have that led to my inquiry. I am developing a modpack update, which has a public server with an existing world. Have come into situations where i may remove some mods from the pack, in turn gotta test for the public server.(making sure world can adept the changes, etc). The server is running with SpongeForge with plugins. These dont go to the client, being able to separate these in the server directory would make it easier to change forge only mods/files. I'm probably bad at organization. Wasn't suggesting this be added, the question was more on the side of "is this possible". But hey, having the option to choose this layout isn't the worst idea/question i've seen in posts. From the reply i think i can deduce the answer is no. So thanks anyway.
  4. Is it even possible to have 2 directories for mods? To be more specific, as the title says, can we have a folder for client only mods then if were dealing with a server, have a separate folder for server side mods. Is this possible?
  5. It doesn't generate a crash-log, the client just closes and the later part of the lastest.log is something i have never seen before in a log. Anyone know what can be causing this? Heres the latest.log url link https://privatebin.net/?46fe4c60a5c0cc64#4nn7Zsce3LNA6qp78QoPPwPeqxJ71pYUe7ws9JYPwnxa Sorry hastebin is offline and i don't use pastebin.
  6. needed to update server mods and what not, moved the world folder to my locally hosted testing server, world crashes with ticking world and i cannot figure out what is causing it. 1.12.2 Mincraft forge-1.12.2- https://pastebin.com/q4LyyWeN <--crash log https://gist.github.com/ROMVoid95/54db666555e23e8bcccb91d90d16d016 <-- latest.log
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