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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. You can fix the icon with: MinecraftForgeClient.registerItemRenderer(Item.itemsList[Tutorial.tutorialBlock.blockID].shiftedIndex, new ItemTutorila());
  2. So, I created a new portable workbench, but it has a error. http://pastebin.com/SuGxmwmE This only happens when I close the GUI, it opens fine and I can craft inside of it. You can view the source here: https://bitbucket.org/SuitedSlime/mechergy/overview Any help appreciated, Rob.
  3. Maybe start with something basic. Because you've just asked us to essentially create a mod for you...
  4. There's 20 ticks in a second, think you can work the rest out with a calculator.
  5. God damn, snip your code!
  6. Check out ItemGear and MechergyItems in my repo: https://bitbucket.org/SuitedSlime/mechergy/src/5eba25680db5/suitedslime/mechergy/item?at=master
  7. This is the method I use for logging: @PreInit public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { mLog.setParent(FMLLog.getLogger()); mLog.info("Loading Config"); ConfigurationHandler.init(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile()); mLog.info("Adding Items"); MechergyItems.registerItems(); mLog.info("Adding Blocks"); MechergyBlocks.registerBlocks(); }
  8. I'm not though Look at my source, I've set the base ID to 800 and increment it by 1 with every entry.
  9. Full error log: http://pastebin.com/pt398h7y
  10. Me neither, it's been driving me nuts for 2 days now All I know is that it's something with this method; public static void loadConfig(Configuration config){ int baseID = 800; machinePressID = getBlockConfig(config, "machinePress", baseID++); } private static int getBlockConfig(Configuration config, String key, int defaultID) { return config.getBlock(config.CATEGORY_BLOCK, key, defaultID).getInt(defaultID); } public static void registerBlocks(){ machinePress = new BlockPress(machinePressID);
  11. Eh? No disrespect, but I don't understand a word of that
  12. yeah, I noticed that and removed it from the @ServerStarting. Just forgot to commit the change.
  13. I also get this error: http://pastebin.com/eCieCrPj
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