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Everything posted by tokuhausu

  1. While working with the code, I noticed that when I upgraded, the color settings were incorrect. This was not because the texture was not drawn, but because the texture was painted black. After modifying the code, it was successfully drawn. Sorry for the trouble.
  2. As you say, getTexture () after bind () did not return null. No exception is raised at runtime. I considered another drawing method. So, refer to net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.EditSignScreen TileEntityRendererDispatcher.instance.render (TileEntity, Double, Double, Double, Float); By using, the texture was successfully drawn. However, when text is written on the signboard, the texture is not drawn correctly and the text texture is displayed (see image). Is there a solution for this?
  3. Umm MODID, in this case the default texture, so I tried both "minecraft" but couldn't draw correctly. TextureManager.getTexture () seems to return null.
  4. I am trying to draw the texture of the signboard on the screen using TextureManager.bindTexture () when hovering over the signboard. In 1.12.2 [1.12.2] public class SignReader extends HudBase { private static final ResourceLocation SIGN_TEXTURE = new ResourceLocation ("textures / entity / sign.png"); @Override public Rect render (Event event) { Minecraft.getInstance (). GetTextureManager (). BindTexture (SIGN_TEXTURE); / * ....... my code ....... * / } } And it was drawing normally. In 1.14.4, the texture of the signboard was divided for each wood SIGN_TEXTURE in the above code [1.14.4] new ResourceLocation ("textures / entity / signs / oak.png"); Changed to However, these codes do not work properly, and a black rectangle is drawn on the screen. Is the ResourceLocation of oak.png wrong? Or has bindTexture () changed its usage?
  5. This is because MOD designed for 1.12 uses the path to the config file and if we can acquire the path, we thought that we could minimize the work to support 1.13.
  6. 1.13.2 By upgrading FMLPreInitializationEvent. GetSuggestedConfigurationFile () I can not use it. Is there any other way to get the path of the config file?
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