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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I have a block that changes its redstone weak power based on certain criteria, and I want it to give an update to the blocks next to it when that happens. How could I do this?
  2. I've made the tile entity and it works great, however I can't access the boolean from the tile entity This is the code I'm using to set the weak power: public int getWeakPower(World worldIn, IBlockState blockState, IBlockAccess blockAccess, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing side) { TileEntity tileentity = worldIn.getTileEntity(pos); if(tileentity.power) { return 15; }else { return 0; } } I can't access the power variable, however I don't know how I would do it otherwise. EDIT: I have fixed the problem, however I cannot see any changes in the redstone power when playing the game.
  3. Hi, I'm pretty new to modding (just started yesterday). I've learned how to make blocks, items, tools, food, recipes etc. and I was thinking I want to learn some slightly more advanced things such as redstone signals. I know how to make a block output a signal, but I have no clue how to check for surrounding blocks, how to check for updates, or how to modify the signal after the block has been placed. How can I make a block output a weak redstone signal only when the block below is air?
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