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Everything posted by geqo

  1. I need to create new instance of object block for every event then? Like this?
  2. I just copied the redstone lamp code and it works, but i don't know how to get my lamps instead redstone lamps, i've tryed make my own Blocks class but "Could not initialize class ru.geqo.lamps.init.Blocks"; Before it i tryed create LIT_WHITELAMP object right in WhiteLamp static method, but it doesn't help. What am I doing wrong? Here's my code: Main class Registration handler Lamp And blocks(just attempt, full copy net.from minecraft.init.Blocks)
  3. I don't know what changed, i just removed all and write again and now textures work's fine. But item in hand so big.
  4. Then i need only 3 files and only 3 classes - main class, reghandler and block?
  5. Ok, and i should register blocks, itemblocks and models in it?
  6. Dude, this is a tiny problem here, my own language - php, i have almost 3 years expierence and this is first time i use java, and i don't understand what u mean now , and my brain burns.
  7. I can register models in ModBlocks? Because now it doesn't work anyway.
  8. registerModels method empty because added right now
  9. Could not load vanilla model parent 'lamps:blocks/whitelamp'. I can't understand how it works, in what order it executes. My main class before adding registermodel: @Mod(modid = Lamps.MODID, name = Lamps.NAME, version = Lamps.VERSION) public class Lamps { public static final String MODID = "lamps"; public static final String NAME = "Lamps mod"; public static final String VERSION = "0.1.0"; } That's all. And i have ModBlocks class @GameRegistry.ObjectHolder(Lamps.MODID) public class ModBlocks { public static Block whitelamp; static { whitelamp = new WhiteLamp(); } @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = Lamps.MODID) public static class RegistrationHandler { @SubscribeEvent public static void registerBlocks(final RegistryEvent.Register<Block> event) { final IForgeRegistry<Block> registry = event.getRegistry(); registry.register(whitelamp); } @SubscribeEvent public static void registerItemBlocks(final RegistryEvent.Register<Item> event) { final IForgeRegistry<Item> registry = event.getRegistry(); final ItemBlock itemwhitelamp = new ItemBlock(whitelamp); itemwhitelamp.setUnlocalizedName(WhiteLamp.NAME); itemwhitelamp.setRegistryName(Lamps.MODID, WhiteLamp.NAME); registry.register(itemwhitelamp); } @SubscribeEvent public static void registerModels(ModelRegistryEvent event) { } } } And one lamp class what extend Block. Why it executes? And how? In main class i have nothing just some variables and it works but without item - i have registered it. Where i can find all events what i need to use?
  10. Thank you, but have you example of register models code?
  11. I do not register models, I have not seen anything like this in the documentation.
  12. I used so many variants item/whitelamp.json, and that is not work to. What about mmc - i just tried it because was think what my models wrong.
  13. I spend on this almost full day and still have no idea what wrong. What i need to do to texture this ItemBlock? Left-top screenshot-part - item model, right - block, left-center - how it looks in game. This is my first attempt to make a mod and everything was fine even until the moment when I decided to texture this block.
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