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Everything posted by DavidM

  1. @ForeverLore This thread is old. Please create your own thread for your question.
  2. Custom damage source. Create a class extending DamageSource and pass an instance of the new class as the damage source parameter when you damage an entity.
  3. You need to follow the directions we gave you. Please run the forge jar via the command line. Launch that jar file in the command line.
  4. Post your logs according to the EAQ. 1. Where are you getting your mods? 2. Please check you've downloaded the mod for the correct version. The words "zip", "mod", and "1.12.2" should never belong in the same sentence.
  5. Judging from the screenshot, you might want to return RenderLayer.TRANSPARENT (can't remember the spelling) instead of CUTOUT. For more information, please read http://greyminecraftcoder.blogspot.com/2014/12/transparent-blocks-18.html. This tutorial is for 1.8; however, the concept of block layers remains the same.
  6. IIRC you need to override Block#fillStateContainer and add your state to the builder.
  7. Key press -> Sends packet to server containing where to spawn the entity -> Server receives the packet -> Server spawns entity based on the data in the packet.
  8. Make sure you are actually downloading the Forge file and not some random files from ads on the download page. If you are sure you've downloaded the correct file, then you can open it.
  9. Define "it's solid". Remember to override Block#getRenderLayer to return RenderLayer.CUTOUT though.
  10. Sorry. 1.7.10 is no longer supported on this forum due to its age. Update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  11. 1. Read the EAQ. 2. What version of Minecraft are you playing? 3. Where are you getting your mods?
  12. Please read the EAQ and provide the appropriate log(s).
  13. There are plenty of examples and tutorials online.
  14. I didn't have a problem in this thread though... The OP is @Plugin. I'm glad that you are trying to help others; however, the problem you are encountering is not exactly the same as what the OP is asking help for. In the future, please create a new thread for your problem, as having multiple problems in one thread can cause confusions.
  15. Attach an IItemHandler capability to your item. Read: https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/datastorage/capabilities/ Then, create a GUI (and a container) for the item's inventory and open it in Item#onItemUse. You can create a custom Slot class and override the canAccept (can't remember the spelling) method to check if the ItemStacks to be inserted match your criteria and use it as the slots in your container.
  16. Use packets. Create a custom packet with the necessary information and send it to the server when the player does something in the GUI.
  17. That's exactly why you should use the @Override annotation.
  18. That is suppose to happen; the @Override annotation should give a compile-time error when the method associated with it does not override a super method. Make sure the return type and parameters of your onArmorTickUpdate matches the return type and parameters of the onArmorTickUpdate method in the class you are overriding. If you still cannot understand what you are suppose to do, the I'm afraid you might not be ready to make Minecraft mods. You should have basic Java knowledge, which includes overriding and inheritance, before attempting to make a mod. I would recommend looking up some Java tutorials in order to get familiar with Java before making mods.
  19. You still did not annotate your onArmorTickUpdate method with the @Override annotation.
  20. 1. Do not create "base" classes (ItemBase, BlockBase, etc). Do not abuse inheritance to write less code. 2. Remember to check the side by using World#isRemote. 3. Are you sure you want to use a while loop there? (Hint: no) 4. Annotates your methods that are meant to override methods from the parent class with the @Override annotation (onArmorTickUpdate in this case). This is leading to your current problem, as the method signature of your onArmorTickUpdate method does not match that of its super method.
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