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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. It only appears when I restart the server. Thats weird. When I start a new world it generates, when I restart the server and it loads new chunks, this error appears. Why?
  2. When my world generates and I fly around, its regulary like that that some chunks glitched into another and I have weird edges ... can someone help me how to fix that?
  3. Ummm, my server was overloaded at world generation with this error (console spamming): After I logged in again, it looked like that: https://imgur.com/a/FrkhZyZ Can someone help? I'm using Biomes o Plenty and ProjectRed etc.
  4. I did not have any further issues with port 25565. What I made was an update from Windows Updates and I updated my network adapter. After the Windows Update and restart I never had a crash issue on 25565.
  5. Loading the Forge server without mods does not make this issue.
  6. How to do that? ipconfig? There might not be another one. I mean: The server works and starts with 25565, but sometimes it just does not shutdown. Lol.
  7. I now have a thread-log (or how its called): https://pastebin.com/5tTv7kpE
  8. Weird is (what I noticed), is - that it only happens on port 25565 - on 25569 I did not have that problem (tried it 4 times to shutdown, worked every time).
  9. Go to your minecraft folder in %appdata% and look for the logs folder. In there.
  10. Thanks for your help, anyway. Sorry again for posting a "wrong link".
  11. We need the crashlogs from your client.
  12. Yeah thats the point, nothing abnormal. But when I type in "stop", after the last message in the log: "[21:58:45] [Server Shutdown Thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Stopping server" it takes 7-8 mins til "Press any key"... and then I can't start the server back. Never had that issue before. It's weird. I let it quit itself, as I wrote above, it took like 8 mins to give me the message "press any key ..." EDIT: Here's my ServerStart BAT : https://gist.github.com/Livux/a1d845a3b8ff9eb89420c045c62c7617 And here my Settings BAT: https://gist.github.com/Livux/714e04cb9db2b013536432ce991776cc ... there are alos .sh .. but I use the BAT
  13. I tried to upload on Pastebin, on paste.feed-the-beast, pastetext. I got errors or my browser froze. Gist worked... https://gist.github.com/Livux/982e9ea860d63aae5d1c9e8f5a40115e
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