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Everything posted by Fabillo

  1. Dear People, I want to make the Player stop walking clientside. Please write suggestions only for version 1.8! Thanks.
  2. Hello, i want to draw a 2D line in my custom GUI. How can i do that? Can i change the color or the line width? Thanks for helping!
  3. Hi, can you help me, how to scale the text, that is drawn on the screen by the fontrenderer? When I try to use Gl11.glScaled(...) the text changes its position on screen. How can I change that?
  4. Hello, i am trying to change the position, where the scoreboard is displayed on screen. I only want it to be clientside and 1.8.0! Thank you for any kind of support.
  5. I found a solution: public static void placeBlock() { Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft(); EntityPlayerSP player = mc.thePlayer; if(player != null && player.getHeldItem() != null && player.getHeldItem().getItem() instanceof ItemBlock && mc.objectMouseOver != null && mc.objectMouseOver.typeOfHit == MovingObjectType.BLOCK) { mc.playerController.func_178890_a(player, mc.theWorld, player.getHeldItem(), mc.objectMouseOver.getBlockPos(), mc.objectMouseOver.sideHit, mc.objectMouseOver.hitVec); player.swingItem(); } }
  6. Hello Internet, I want to ask you, how i can simulate a rightclick clientside, to let the player place a block. Thank you for any kind of help!
  7. I wanted to make a Mod for PVP Client-Side, but all the Servers i'm playing on are at 1.8, because the PVP is better. So i don't want to update. Is there another way?
  8. @SubscribeEvent public void onMove(InputUpdateEvent e) { } Is this wrong? My IDE cannot find the InputUpdateEvent. Did you mean InputEvent?
  9. Can you give me a code example please?
  10. Hello People, i am trying to make thePlayer(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer) sneaking. What i have already achieved: But the player is not stopping to walk at the end of the block. Does anyone know how to do that?
  11. Another question: How can i delete packets before they are send to the server? I could just cancel Packet18Animation to stop the swing animation.
  12. I'm trying to edit the EntityPlayerSP class. /** * Swings the item the player is holding. */ public void swingItem() { super.swingItem(); this.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C0APacketAnimation()); } this should be: /** * Swings the item the player is holding. */ public void swingItem() { } so i'm trying to avoid the swing animation directly.
  13. Thank you for your reply! Do you know any other way of adding code into a class?
  14. I said, that it is not directly possible with forge, but mixins is a library, so i'm still using forge.
  15. Hello, i am trying to edit the source code of Minecraft. I know, that it is not directly possible with Forge, but i heard of a technique called mixins. Does anyone in this forum know something about mixins, or how to use it? Thanks for any kind of help.
  16. 1. Sorry for that! I'm not only new to Forge modding, but also new to this webside. 2. But i hope for another way of doing that. Maybe like making a class extend EntityPlayerSP and editing a method.
  17. No, i'm not seven years old, because i probably could not code at that age. Also i don't like the new versions of Minecraft.
  18. But is there another way, like editing Minecraft#thePlayer? Or using packets.
  19. Hello Minecraft Forge modding people, I'm trying to get messages send from the player client-side, and cancel them, all before they are send to the server. I found a tutorial on Youtube, but it involved editing to Minecraft source code, wich is obviously not that easy/maybe impossible. I'm very thankful for any kind of help.
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