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  1. Oh, I get it now. In dev env, mod classes are compiled and added directly to classpath, meaning the classes are known to the runtime when FMLLoader instantiates LanguageLoader. After that, additional languages are only loaded for mods with FMLModType of LANGPROVIDER. That eliminates the issue, also making it simpler for the dev because they no longer need to specify Forgelin as a dependency.
  2. Hey. So I needed Forgelin to update (kotlin language provider mod) to 1.13 and didn't want to wait, so that's what I did: https://github.com/autaut03/Forgelin/tree/1.13-rewrite Basically, to load IModLanguageLoader, Forge utilizes SerivceLoader, which scans META-INF/services for files with name of specified interface. This is how FMLJavaModLanguageLoader is loaded (the one Forge mod provides), and so I did the exact same thing. When run in IDE, or by a gradle in Forgelin project, it works good. I know that because Forgelin itself is written in Kotlin and wouldn't work without kotlinfml language loaded, plus there's a bunch of debug statements in the log. However, when built and placed into mods/ folder of a normal Forge client, it fails to find requested mod loader. I'll be thankful for any kind of help/information. Also, in case this is needed, here's a built jar: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cXkSHTV9ZeJfMB3pXapXdykrBWuun3V-/view?usp=sharing Obviously, I'm not asking anyone to run it, but it's here for the reference.
  3. May I ask why is Forge even trying to keep worlds compatible between such major rewrites? I understand why Vanilla does that (because they have full control over their game and they have limited amount of stuff to do), but mods will probably be incompatible anyway, at least when Mojang decides to refactor and rewrite that much code... so why bother? I myself have never successfully migrated a single modded world between versions, because mods always change versions, they always remove and add lots of stuff, many mods just don't update at all, others replace them..
  4. Yea, I haven't even noticed at all) I usually let IDE do the work for me, but this time I probably just wrote it manually and that's what happened
  5. I am an idiot. I've overwritten getBlockState instead of createBlockState in my block class. That's so stupid.. Okay then. I know whom to blame. If getBlockState wasn't protected (which was the reason I even noticed it), I would have never guessed that.
  6. I unded up debugging half of rendering code to find out what's the problem. Still not sure, but.. really? It got null while trying to find an exact same object (well, maybe not the same object, but with same properties, which shouldn't happen at all to my understanding of blockstates): So there's nothing wrong with my assets, rather it is with my code or Forge. I doubt it is the latter, so.. could anyone please explain what the hell is happening?
  7. I also found out that debug log might be needed, so I'll post it just in case: https://gist.github.com/autaut03/98202ff68db5826170dcd879912f303f
  8. I've had problems with model loading in the past, however I managed to fix them all (except this one).
  9. It doesn't, the only warning is about authentication (obv, because not using mojang auth at all). But here it is: https://gist.github.com/autaut03/b9a113e9397727a0be7b8452e9d6db00
  10. Hey there. So I created a block, a blockstate for it, then two models and three textures. For itemBlock, and another item from the mod I used ModelLoader to manually set their model locations - so they are both shown correctly in inventories. However, when placed in the world, it has a missing texture (purple-black). Here's the block I'm talking about: https://github.com/autaut03/roomery/blob/master/src/main/java/net/alexwells/roomery/block/RoomHolderBlock.java It's blockstate: https://github.com/autaut03/roomery/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/roomery/blockstates/room_holder.json Main model: https://github.com/autaut03/roomery/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/roomery/models/block/room_holder.json And textures: https://github.com/autaut03/roomery/tree/master/src/main/resources/assets/roomery/textures/blocks I must have missed something in the documentation, but I can't get this to work. There are no errors or warning in the log. What could be the reason for that? Thanks regardless. PS: model was taken from vanilla observer, and modified for my needs. PS2: screenshot:
  11. Uhm, okay, I was wrong about 1.14, sorry. However the original meaning of my message was that they will change it, and that the mod won't work here.
  12. It will. It was confirmed by Mojang in someone's twitter. And yes, I know that they won't revert it how it was, but at least they will actually listen to the PVP community, not just vanilla.
  13. They will. It's official now. 1.14. Mod WON'T WORK for 25 THOUSANDS players online server.
  14. The only reason people use 1.8.9 is because all major servers use 1.7 or 1.8 due to the PVP part of the game. Until Mojang rolls back 1.9 changes, people trying to code 1.8 won't stop coming =/
  15. At first I just wanted to replace couple instructions with my own, but I'm kind of lazy to rewrite my whole "method transformer" system in order to achieve that. And I feel like this won't fix the problem =/
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