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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Chibill

  1. Is this 1.7 lightlevel can be any float it seems in 1.7
  2. Is there a way with out a custom block render? Because I don't like the idea of many of my blocks have TEs
  3. Okay I say Darkhax's code for capes and though i could trick mc to load a texture from a web site. but thanks for clarifying that idea.
  4. got it to load turns out if your using the method that has a different Project for your mod you have to put it in the resources in the forge folder.
  5. Is there a way I can make dynamicly loaded textures? I can get the texture. But I can't get it to render on my block I based the texture getter of Darkhax's custom capes tutrial code. https://github.com/chibill/AdditionalCrafting/blob/master/AdditionalCrafting-1.7.2/src/chibill/additionalcrafting/texturemanager/blocks.java Which is the downloader / set it. Note I have tried a lot of stuff for resource location. All other code that I am testing this with https://github.com/chibill/AdditionalCrafting/tree/master/AdditionalCrafting-1.7.2/src/chibill/additionalcrafting/common
  6. Yeah its the unlocalozed name. That was from the beta builds.
  7. See this http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,15620.msg80518.html#msg80518
  8. Its all set right just because luncher4j does not like jre 7 does not mean you can rage at me and yes path is right so is java_home (if you have forgotten forge gradle using java_home and the path varble and it works and the registry should be set(have not touched it and I installed java from the java website). The only thing that can be wrong in with the installer (maybe you told it it had to use java 6) But I have it installed using the Other installer as seen in the second post.
  9. I think you may be wrong all other java using programs work and then the install responds Launch4j This application requires a Java Runtime Environment 1.6.0 Note I am on windows 7 with both the java 7 JRE for 32 bit and 64 bit with the JDK for both also. I think Launch4j is only compiled to work on java 6. I have had Forge working Dev and installed on minecraft from around the minecraft 1.4 time so yeah java is install right.
  10. got it to work but you must use the Other Installer. (the .jar)
  11. The new windows installer requires java 6 (JRE 1.6.0) I have Java 7 installed and do not wish to also have Java 6 installed what can i do?
  12. For packets see the totural on the wiki as it has changed a lot for 1.6.4
  13. for a simple block you only need on file the class the block is made from and then just register it right. which you seem to not be doing. no need for this weird itemBlcok garbage. GameRegistry.registerBlock(brokenObsidianBlock, MODID + (brokenObsidianBlock.func_149739_a().substring(5)));
  14. Find the names in the Mcp-srg files in the build/tmp dir somewhere.
  15. RenderWorldLastEvent means you can make the world spin and warp.
  16. Also I just found we have a blockBreak event!
  17. Okay I just decompiled the compiled deobufated jar in the build/tmp/deobfBinJar to read the Forge and Minecraft code but yeah if its that simply why is there tutorials on it. We should add one to the wiki. Thanks!
  18. Do I have to extand anything? I looked this up for hours and nothing it can't be the simple can it?
  19. Is there a way to make custom events that my mod can trigger like for an API. Like I have a spawn event and i trigger it. I can make a event handler handle it.
  20. Can't point it at eclipse folder need to point it a whole forge folder as workspace and only need to run gradlew eclipse it runs the other one because its a dependency.
  21. I would make my own copy of the class that it loads in your mod so it uses yours for it and not mojangs but this is untested. Just thinking about class loaders.
  22. So a.. that gradle plugin is still not working.
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